30 Days of Healing Food – Day 11
30 Days of Healing Food Day 11
To Cook or Not to Cook – The Benefits of Raw and Cooked Foods
By Dr. Paul Haider
In the beginning man gather food and later learned to cook, thus we were eating raw foods until we learned about fire and cooking… and both have health benefits.
Raw foods are full of natural nutrients, vitamins, live enzymes, and even Chi energy that can be seen with Kirlian Photography. With live foods we get most of the nutrients and but not only that we also gain Chi Energy that moves through our meridians providing essential health for every part of our living structure.
Raw foods are full of lots of wonderful antioxidants that keep us looking and feeling younger. At the same time lowering our possibilities of coming down with diseases such as cardiovascular disease, strokes, cancer, and auto-immune disease.
Raw foods boost our immune system and play important role in providing nutrients for hormones, enzymes, and neurotransmitters that work together in a symphony that is absolutely important for health and wellness.
Raw foods allow us to have better sleep, more vitality energy, better memory, plus hair, skin, and nails that are strong, beautiful, and full of luster.
On the average raw fruits and veggies have more fiber than cooked food, and are recognized by the body as friendly foods and thus all the nutrients enter into the cells with ease. Raw Foods contain fiber and live enzymes that help with the digestion. Setting off a chain of reactions that trigger the proper breakdown and assimilation of our food. At the same time creating more bulk that moves along in the gut creating good elimination. Cooked foods can create toxins especially when we BBQ and end up with charing on the outside of meats and veggies.
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