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Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 11

Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 11

Darity Wesley

Daily Oracle Guidance Day 11

June 11th

Perceptiveness – The energies and directions for today are now evolving around heightening the intensity of your perceptions, stay aware and alert today and read on…

You may have noticed lately that you have opened and expanded your intuition such that you can really feel what others are saying or feeling, whether they are speaking the truth or omitting things or whether they are not truly expressing how they feel, you can really feel it. It is almost like being psychic, right?  This ability has really always been part of the human psyche, but now it is really coming out and your perception of that is really needed to discern what is really going on as the density of the third dimension breaks up more and more, actually right in front of your eyes.

See Also

When your perception points out the truth or falsity of situations, people, things being said, whatever it is in the moment, know that it does not necessarily mean there is anything for you to do other than observe it.  Mostly you use your perception to stay in your sovereignty and not get pulled into the dramas others need to feel alive or in charge, or whatever.  The observation, the witness, is your perception which keeps you clear and protected.  If it is heavy drama, then simply surround yourself and whatever else requires protection, with the white light of protection and imagine mirrors all around, over and below, with the shiny side out so that nothing but truth and positive can enter that space for you.  Be sure to say it out loud, unless it is inappropriate in the moment.

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