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Feng Shui for Greater Wisdom

Feng Shui for Greater Wisdom

By Ken Lauher



“Seek wisdom above and before all else and you will be able to choose well, what is needed for your life’s journey.” ~Amanda Curtis Kane

If you have wisdom, other things in your life will fall into place. It’s why I post “Daily Wisdom” from great spiritual masters and great works like the Tao Te Ching each day on my website. And it’s why many people seek to use Feng Shui to enhance their wisdom.

Wisdom should not be confused with knowledge. Knowledge is merely facts, while wisdom is the ability to truly listen, to analyze what’s before us, to sit in the stillness and to think and absorb. In his book on meditation, “Getting into the Gap,” Wayne Dyer points out that the letters in the word “listen,” rearranged, also spell “Silent.” You must be silent to truly listen. Through listening, you’ll gain greater wisdom.

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Wisdom is the ability to see things from other people’s perspectives and the ability to learn and to adapt. Wisdom tells us what to do with our knowledge. Those who are wise will never stop seeking knowledge, but the two words are not the same.

As Sandra Carey eloquently states, “Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life.”

As we send our children back to school this month, hopefully they will acquire both knowledge and wisdom. But the search for wisdom isn’t something that should end when we stop our formal schooling. As with so many other areas of our life, we can use Feng Shui to enhance our pursuit of wisdom.

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