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Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 16

Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 16

Darity Wesley

Daily Oracle Guidance Day 16

June 16th

Acknowledgement – The energies and directions for today are evolving around acknowledgment…acknowledging yourself for your own accomplishments and others for their service and accomplishments creates affinity and pleasure…read on…

If your life is not full of acknowledgment, now is a good time to start thinking about making this a practice in your life.  Acknowledging people both at home and at work and even along the way in your everyday life leads to spreading a more loving and self-affirming environment. It is a great way to support the integration of the new era.  Friends, family, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, bystanders…everyone needs and enjoys being acknowledged.  Be alert to the ways your can acknowledge others even just the everyday contributions of folks, let them know you notice.  Smile and let people tell people how they are making a difference.

Let your mantra for today be:  I see and acknowledge the divine within myself and in every other person and outwardly express my feelings…And So It Is!!! 

Love from the Lotus World <333,

See Also


Note:  This Oracle is from the Spirit of Darity © 2013 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved

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