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Healing & Recovery – Day 18

Healing & Recovery – Day 18


30 Days to Healing and Recovery Day 18 by Dana Jacoviello

6. Today’s message: Write a letter to yourself. The point of this challenge is explore a bit about you maybe you did not know was there or to discover something hidden. It can be good, bad, or both. Writing is a great release. This is not just any form of writing. I want you to write to yourself as if you were a stranger trying to get to know yourself. This might be a tongue twister, but it will surprise you. Describe your likes, your dislikes, hobbies, interests, emotions, your personality, your morals, your values, your character, goals, ambitions, things you want to accomplish, good habits, bad habits, dreams, things you don’t like about yourself, things you want to change, and anything else you can think of that you would tell someone about yourself. Think of it as an interview process. Let is all  out and don’t think. The less you think the better. Just write. Just jot down what first comes to your mind about yourself or what people have said about you. Always be honest with yourself. I can’t stress that enough. When you are done read it out loud. Now, what type of person do you see? Did you find something new out about yourself? Where you surprised how much you wrote or what you wrote down? Do you have a better idea of who you are? Any changes you want to make…make them. The negatives change into positives. Make a plan and refer back to that letter until it is completed. Congratulations, you have started a new  journey.

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