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Inner World of Yoga – Day 18

Inner World of Yoga – Day 18


Inner World of Yoga Day 18

By Wendy Kolanz

The Mind’s Responses – Working to Calm and Focus the Mind

There are four responses possible in any situation.

See Also

  1. Reacting: In this response you simply reflect back the energy you receive or get, or internalize it. Most often you send it back out.
  2. Controlling: Is using concepts to control response. The energy of the situation becomes internalized and the experience of the situation is suppressed. You rationalize and call it “good” for my spiritual growth, or declare that this is my karma, or “if only this person could change…” etc. This is in truth reacting with a philosophical or learned shield or overcoat covering your true reaction. It is a behavior modification, but the feelings or emotional charges are still present, just hidden deeper inside and still causing disruption and damage in your energy system.
  3. Indifference: Is “stone-like.” No feelings come through at all. It is a deadening of feelings and creates a heart that is like stone. Hardened heart—just imagine what that means for the actual heart organ. What exactly is a “heart attack?”
  4. Response: Here, the experience and resulting emotions are confronted and you “feel” and go through the entire experience. You “see it” and totally experience and go through any pain and suffering.


1-3 are all different forms of escape from the situation. Every situation must be taken as a challenge and “responded” to, face-to-face, by confronting it internally to “see it.” Any and all suffering which is confronted andstayed with psychologically and emotionally, processed internally, and accepted and released, brings an end to the mental conflict and to a place of joy, bliss and no conflict. From that place, and only from that place, can an actual RESPONSE occur, the energy of which will be for the greater good for you and anyone else involved.

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