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Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 20

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out – Day 20

Feng Shui from the Inside, Out? Day 20

By Victoria Pendragon

Recreation / Rejuvenation 1

Directly opposite from the Body/ Well-being area of the bagua, lies what I call Recreation / Rejuvenation. In the old schools of Feng Shui where each portion of the bagua was identified by a hexagram from the ancient book of divination, the I Ching, this area was marked by the hexagram called Lake. Lake referred to the Lake of the Gods, a mythical place where supernatural beings hung out and kicked back between adventures. It is an area associated with the kind of effortless power that can only be born of experience and applied intelligence and it implies a confidence that is inherent in the very cells of a being. This is the place where achievement comes to rest itself that it may achieve even more.

See Also

In many current schools of Feng Shui this facet of the bagua is associated with vacations and recreational pastimes but that has always seemed to me to skim the surface of the lake, for the waters here run deep. What is implied in this area, what lies beneath an immediately visible surface, is that an individual has earnedthe right to be in this place. You find rejuvenation in relaxation here as a reward for having spent your energy wisely and well. There is a mature energy here, the flow of energy having made its way almost all the way around the octagon. To activate the energy of this area is to make a promise to yourself about your own future.

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