Spiritual Healing – Day 20
Spiritual Healing Day 20
Hey folks! Hope you all are practicing reiki daily, it will do you lot of good. So just do it !
Today we just do a simple refresher on ‘Reiki Symbol Activation’…the do’s and don’t’s.
They can be activated in any of the following ways:
* By drawing them with your palm centre
* BY drawing them with your finger
* By visualizing them
* By drawing them with your third eye
* By spelling the symbol’s name three times.
You can use whatever method you wish, but don’t forget that it’s the intent that counts.
Where to apply them during a healing?
First place the symbol(s) on your own hands/palms and then redraw or visualise the same symbols on:
* The clients crown chakra
* The areas to be treated (if known)
* The clients hands/palms If you can not recall a Reiki symbol, use the “alias”, because both have the same energy.
With practice the symbols will become less relevant and the focus will change to the “intent” of the specific energies required.
For clarifications write to me at sunandasharma2011@gmail.com or visit www.sunandatarot.com
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