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Getting your Sweat On! – Day 21

Getting your Sweat On! – Day 21

Let’s Get Our Sweat On! Day 21

By CS Bromley


Today is Strength day. Exercises are completed until your muscle fatigue. In this case, “failure is success”. Meaning, when your muscle fails (fatigues), you are successful because this is how you will build strength and muscle mass. Keep record each week how many repetitions you are able to do, and watch as you can witness yourself grow stronger week after week by doing more repetitions than the previous week.

Move from one exercise to the next, when completed take a 4 minute recovery before beginning the next cycle.

Week 1: Repeat 3 times

Week 2: Repeat 3 times

Week 3: Repeat 3 times

Week 4: Repeat 3 times


~Lunges Left Leg

See Also

~Lunges Right Leg

~Leg Raises

~Tricep Dips (on ledge of bed , sofa or chair)

~Wide Arm Pushups

~Jump Squats

~Plank: hold

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