A New Spiritual & Intuitive You – Day 21
A New Spiritual and Intuitive You! Day 21
By Lisa K.
Being Present in the Now
How do you live in the NOW? Don’t we need to think about the future? If we don’t think of the future, we’d never plan for anything, we’d never take steps to get a job, or find a spouse, have a career, it would be chaos, you might end up on the street homeless! BUT, it’s not about not thinking about the future, or the past, it’s about thinking less about the worries and plans of the future, and remembering to be more in the present, so we can fully feel the bliss and happiness that the present can bring us. One of my clients once said to me that when he drives to work, his mind was so full of thinking about his work-day that he doesn’t remember the drive or how he got to work. Sometimes we are so busy thinking about what we need to do next, or what will come up in the future, we are hardly ever present. As my mother always says, we live our thoughts and not our experience.
Planning for the future should be like making ripples in the water. If you were to move your hand through a pool of water, the ripples would follow the shape of your hand and flow in the direction your hand sent it. Planning is the process of your hand moving through the water, to set it in motion, and then the ripples flow out to reach the other side of the pool. You don’t need to keep pushing the ripples to make them reach the other side, they just flow out naturally. The same goes for planning, you spend just the necessary time to create your plan and then release it, so you can return to the moment.
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