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Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 23

Daily Oracle Guidance – Day 23

Darity Wesley

Daily Oracle Guidance- Day 23

Oneness – The energies and directions for today are evolving around stepping into our true selves now, becoming authentic and being in our essence, joining in Oneness.

Way back in 2010, an event called the Conscious Convergence, much like the Harmonic Convergence of the late 1980s, produced a global commitment from those who were made aware, to intend unity consciousness on this planet. That means, among other things, to contemplate your connection with All That Is, all life and its flow.  Look at the trees, the rocks, the water, the clouds, the sky, the birds, the flowers – even the cars, the airplanes, the buildings, the people, the world around us – take your separation blinders off and see it is all connected – the planets, the stars, the galaxies, the cosmos. Allow yourself to experience the broad tapestry that it all is, energetically.

So now is the time to be true to yourself, to honor that you are an expression of that energy.  Your form is not separate—it only appears to be from your perspective—looking out through your eyes.  It is only your form for this particular journey.  It is not who you are.

See Also

You are the witness, you are the essence that hears what you have to say to yourself, you are that presence, that being.  Pull this level of understanding firmly, deeply, into your essence, grounding Oneness.  Just remember that there will be those who do not understand and it is okay, we love them – not everyone will comprehend.  It is the true ones, the ones of integrity and authenticity, the ones who understand that will indeed change this world.  You are a wonderful part of this and I honor you completely.

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