The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 24
The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious Day 24
V is for Vital Force
“Death is not the opposite of life. Life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth. Life is eternal.”
~ Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks
Experiencing the Life that you are by intentional focus on your vital force is a doorway to a powerful field — the field of magic and miracles. It will help you make a conscious connection to the “Open State” of consciousness you enter when you “do” Quantum Consciousness, and which is also a deeply satisfying way of being.
In some ways, the Open State is impossible to speak accurately of, but there are a lot of pointers that can help lead you to it. And once you’re adept at setting your thoughts aside and entering the Open State — adept atbeing — the rest unfolds on its own.
This is one of those pointers; a pathway of sorts. You directly experience that vital life force that you are. Doing this guides you closer to (or all the way into) the Open State by being life consciously and with awareness.
In doing so, you actually magnify it as well, facilitating the emergence of the Life that you are into this world of form.
In Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now, he gives a process for enlightening your cells with Presence. Essentially, you do this by flooding your body with consciousness, by placing your attention on what he calls your “inner body”. The following exercise was inspired by his instructions.
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