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A Daily Look Within – Day 26

A Daily Look Within – Day 26

A Daily Look Within Day 26

By Kathy Custren

“Reciprocity: A Two-Way Street” – Service/Spirit Connections (right to do; natural personal philosophy)

The subject of reciprocity, or give-and-take, relates to a number of things in our existence. We all strive for balance in physical and spiritual ways; yet, our lives are full of dual opposites: happy/sad, up/down…you get the idea. Let us explore how these “opposite” things have an impact on us in the flow of our lives.

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Think first about a circle…it is a circuit without a beginning or end point; one, continuous loop that depicts cycles of energy, constant movement, and static existence. Now, consider the many circuits or cycles that exist: water cycles from the sky, falls to the earth, and ultimately evaporates back into clouds all over again. A plant grows from a seed, matures, may bear fruit or flowers, and is composted back into the earth once more. The planets of our solar system revolve around our Sun. Our human bodies contain and are parts of many cycles: airflow in our lungs, blood through our veins, food through our digestion, energies through our chakras and into the ethereal realm and back.

So to say we have opposites is to imagine there being two ends. We usually find two opposite points at the end of a straight line. Let’s call that line a street–a two-way street because in a cycle or loop we need to be able to travel back and forth between the points. There is always traffic and flow going on between these extremes. Our existence is full of these two-way streets, and our challenge is to maneuver around in some sort of balanced and fair way.

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