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Illuminate the Committee in Your Head – Day 28

Illuminate the Committee in Your Head – Day 28

Illuminate  the Committee in your Head Day 28


The final element we cover in our 30 Day Challenge is air.  If any of the symbolic connections appeal to you, please pursue further study of astrology, shamanism, psychology, or animal symbolism. It doesn’t matter what thread you follow, if you follow it deeply enough you will find your own truths, and your committee is illuminated.

The four parts of the brain also correspond to these four domains we have been exploring.  The reptilian brain – the brainstem – is in charge of vital functions like breathing and heart beat.  This is easy to associate with the symbolism of a snake.  It is earthy in that it is primitive and essential.  The next part – our limbic system – is our emotional brain.  Water is the element of emotion.  The next level – the cerebellum – is the coordinator (sounds like the committee chair, right?) in charge of posture and balance.  Last is the cerebrum – the higher brain.

See Also

Allow yourself to simply consider the loose associations and connections among the four realms we have explored.

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