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6 Tips for Creating Action without Effort

6 Tips for Creating Action without Effort

By Maria Khalifé



In our hurry worry world of demanding activity, wouldn’t it be wonderful to develop a method of accomplishing all that we want to effortlessly? I’m not talking about waving a magic want here. I’m talking about developing a stress-free consciousness that allows us to move steadily forward toward the accomplishment of anything we’ve chosen to do and to do it efficiently without stress. I live my very full life that way and I know it’s possible. Have you ever poured water into any vessel? The water flows easily and assumes (without grumbling or without procrastinating) the shape of that vessel.

That’s because the water does not add anything to its nature. If we could learn to simply do our tasks without grumbling, complaining, procrastinating, comparing our load to another, we would be as accomplished and powerful as water as it does its natural thing.

See Also

If you can picture water falling easily over a cliff, it’s both beautiful and powerful. Like that.

You live in your right now moment. That’s all you have in which to accomplish the most. I would love you to consider dropping by the wayside the things you add to your right now moment that keep you from the best accomplishment. If you find yourself angry over something you have to do, wishing you didn’t have to do it, wanting everyone to get out of your way, just stop for a moment and take a deep breath. Imagine after that fresh air goes into your lungs that you could stop struggling for just one moment and KNOW there is an effortless solution to getting the task done without any impediments.

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