Adding Color to your Day

Adding Color to your Day through Vedic Astrology
By Jacqui Johnson
Several years ago, my spirit guided me to my wonderful teacher, enlightened Master Dr. Baskaran Pillai. In this magical journey of expansion, I began to learn about Vedic Astrology and how the planets and their cycles really influence our lives. Each hour is governed by a planet which impacts your own personal vibration. Each day of the week is also influenced by a particular planet and its various characteristics. Each planet actually has a color and mantra associated with it. It is beneficial for you to wear that color and chant the mantra for the day. When you wear the color and say the mantra for the day, you are actually acknowledging the planet and its vibrations. I connected with these teachings even deeper when I learned that seven of the nine planets are in my ninth house; the house of higher learning. There is also a specific deity and so much more associated with each planet.
Here are the colors and mantras associated with each day.
Monday is associated with the Moon.
Wear white on Mondays and chant OM CHANDRAYA NAMAHA 108x for that day.
Tuesday is associated with Mars.
Wear red on Tuesdays and chant OM MANGALAYA NAMAHA 108x for that day.
Wednesday is associated with Mercury.
Wear green on Wednesdays and chant OM BUDAYA NAMAHA 108x for that day.
Thursday is associated with Jupiter.
Wear yellow or orange on Thursdays and chant OM GURUVE NAMAHA 108x for that day.
Friday is associated with Venus.
Wear light pastel colors on Fridays; pink, soft blue, lavender, colors like that and chant OM SHUKRIYA NAMAHA 108x for that day.
Saturdays are associated with Saturn.
Wear dark brown, dark blue, gray, or black on Saturdays and chant OM SANICHURIYA NAMAHA 108X for that day.
Sunday is associated with the Sun.
Wear orange on Sundays and chant OM SURYAYA NAMAHA 108x for that day.
You will be amazed how much smoother your life can be when you begin to honor the planets.
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About the Author
Jacqueline ‘s guides call her a Divine Illumination Encodement Counselor. She is a certified Faerie Healer, a Reiki Master, a Seraphim Blueprint Healer, a Oneness Blessings Deeksha giver, a motivational storyteller, intuitive artist, author, musician, and a six sensory™ psychic certified with Sonia Choquette and offers Encodement Magic sessions. She lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with her husband and 2 kitties. You can find more info at

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Jacqui, this is all well and good, kind of silly actually, but “all colors should be covered”. …Don’t put faith in article when your favorite colors are missing, cobalt blue, ocean blue and turquoise blue! I only see pale blue and dark blue. And where is purple, violet +++ ?