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Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 30

Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 30

Mind/Body Weight Loss Day 30

Your New Chapter

10 Things to Remember 1. Make Things Meaningful

Think about what is important to you, align your actions with your heart and your values.  Find deeper meaning in your choices.

2.  Find a Friend

Social support is a critical part of making enduring changes.  No man is an island, so surround yourself with people that you love and love you back

3.  Make New Agreements

Be consciously aware of your choices and understand why you are making them.  If they don’t serve you, make new agreements with healthier choices.

4.  Avoiding All or None Mentality

You cannot cheat on a lifestyle change; you can only have a bad day.  In every moment you have the opportunity to choose better, so recognize the behavior and without guilt, move on.

5.  Ask For Help

See Also

Maybe now as you have done the soul level work and you ache for change, you know you need some help.  Maybe it is working with a counselor, nutritionist or personal trainer – be aware of where you need help and don ‘t be afraid to ask for it.

6. Recognize Alternatives

Find ways to substitute unwanted behaviors for better ones.  Use gratitude, education and awareness to shift your thinking around your choices, so that they become preferences instead of a sacrifice.

7. Try Something New

Maybe this is a new recipe or dance class; don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.  Learning new things is a great way to break habits.

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