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Oracle for August 2013 – Intuition

Oracle for August 2013 – Intuition

by Darity Wesley

The energies and directions for the month of August are evolving around the art of honoring and using your intuition.

This Oracle is here to support you in acknowledging there is such a thing, knowing what it is and then developing your ability to use it!  The importance of your acknowledging, learning, trusting and further developing your intuition is a critical matter for you as you move forward to ground and expand that which you are becoming, so do, read on…

As we traverse this world of understanding a bit more about intuition, the first step is acknowledgement.  So, think about what intuition is to you.  You know you have it, right?  Are you in touch with it, do you know what it is, is it just something you listen to on occasion or only when it is really loud or strong?  Or, is it a tool you use in your life practices all along the way? You probably have some kind of idea about “intuition.”  You probably have spoken of it as a “gut reaction” or “a hunch” or a “vibe” – it is kind of amorphous, this “intuition.”  You may think of it as a feeling, a sensation, a reaction, but it really is way more than that.  Give it a nod, and keep reading…

The next step is knowing what intuition is.  It is defined in the dictionary as direct perception of truth, fact, etc. independent of any reasoning powers.  In other words, you have the ability to acquire knowledge without the use of reason, your mind.  “Intuition” comes from a Latin word which loosely translated means to “to look within” or “to contemplate.”

Paramhansa Yogananda said it beautifully in his 1939 article on How to Develop Your Intuition:  “Intuition is that directly perceiving faculty of the soul which at once knows the truth about anything. Unless you have the power of intuition, you cannot possibly know Truth. It is the knowing power of the soul without the help of the senses or the mind. (emphasis mine) Intuition can give you knowledge about things which your senses and understanding can never give. Intuition does not depend upon any outside data whatsoever.”

Wow!  So, okay, now we know what intuition really is, knowledge without the help of the mind or senses.  You may have just thought it was some feeling you got once in a while, or something to be used occasionally if you were even in touch with it.  A lot of folks blow it off or are afraid of it or are not sure what it is or how it works or why it works or what it has to do with anything.  In our mind dominated world for the last umpteen millennia, the “voice of reason,” “thinking things through,” never trust anything that cannot be proven without empirical evidence, if it cannot be seen, tasted, felt, smelt or heard, it does not exist.  Well, this is just plainly incorrect and most folks know they get hunches, they just don’t know what they are nor do they believe in trusting that “soul knowledge.”  Now, however, the importance of that knowledge cannot be overemphasized.

This Oracle is here to have you incorporate the intentional exploration of your intuition this very month of August.  So let’s answer the question: How important is it in our daily life?  Well, truth is, it is critical and you use it much more than you are consciously aware, but now is the time to “turn up the volume™” as the Oracle says.  Time to listen deeply, strongly, trustingly.  Learn to honor that experience.  It seems anytime there is a decision to be made, you can weigh the pros and cons in your mind all day long and maybe come up with a well thought out decision, but it is your intuition, that perspective without benefit of the senses or the mind which really controls the ability to make the right decision.

Now, the third step for this month of August is to develop your intuition, your sixth sense.  The most important practice to develop it is to learn how to quiet the mind, use your common sense, use daily introspection and learn to trust.  Calmly reason with yourself and calmly quiet yourself.  Holding calmness provides the ability to perceive everything within as well as without.

You really can see that the left-brain analytical function is failing out there in the world; it is not the age of reason any longer.  It is the beginning of the Golden Age on this Planet Earth and the intuitive, creative energies within us are awakening and are eagerly awaiting assignment.  It is time to break out of the constant energy of thought and move into our creative intuitional sense of what is going on.  It will serve you at every step of the way; it is just a matter of practice.  It is indeed time to set yourself free from your mind and move into you heart where all the information for your existence resides.

So, August is truly about understanding that intuition guides your reason, if you are paying attention.  Your calmness, your ability to open yourself to letting that sixth sense, that “knowing power of the soul” support you in every decision, every move, every step you take as you move more and more into your authenticity and your desire to have a greater experience than what you are currently having.

There are many avenues to the new expanded world, but none will support you as strongly as your very own intuition, your own knowingness to intuit the Truth of the matter.  Your soul’s knowledge will support your reasoning mind’s ability to take you on to new levels.  Its application is an important practice.  To intuitively solve problems, go into deep meditation or silence. Remember not to think of whatever it is you are desiring an answer to, just meditate until you feel a sense of calmness fill your body. Then ask your Self, God, Spirit, the Universe, whatever you call It, to provide your intuition with the information requested, then turn up the volume™ and let it come on through.

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As always, this Oracle’s guidance is here for the expansion of your Spirit to support the fulfillment of your purpose…which is what you came here to do and why you chose to be on the planet at this time. So remember, tapping into your intuition and consciously developing its nature within yourself will support you in making any changes you desire, support you in a different way than you have been supported before and support you in how you discern what is happening around you or how you allow your intuition to guide and direct you to be a more authentic, true you.

This then gives you the opportunity to share with others how they can tap into their intuition and use it to help guide their decisions and ultimate life choices.  Carry the message, live it, be it, feel it and expand it, Spirit will deepen your spiritual experience each and every step of the way and you will find yourself truly grounded in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what and remember…LOVE is all you need…it will propel you more and more into making the choices of acknowledging, listening to and further developing your intuition so that you can take advantage of every opportunity to hear and know the Truth!

Let your mantra for the month of August be:  I AM growing more and more able to trust and use the power of my own soul’s knowingness in every situation… And So It Is!!! 

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Note:  Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter. @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2013 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved. 

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