Quantum Learning

Inspirations with Lisa Garr
Discover the Secrets of Mind-Body Wellness
Featuring Bobbi DePorter
Premiers Thursday, 22 August at 7pm ET
Bobbi DePorter, author of Quantum Learning and The 8 Keys of Excellence, is an early pioneer in the applications of accelerated learning. Her SuperCamp summer enrichment program and the educational tools of the 8 Keys of Excellence have helped children realize their personal greatness.
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Inspirations with Lisa Garr on GaiamTV
Inspirations with Lisa Garr features leading-edge visionaries, spiritual teachers and inspiring innovators in personal development and mind-body wellness. You’ll explore ancient wisdom, gain personal insights and learn about spiritual enlightenment.

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality