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Coherency, Opening Your Mind to New Reality Panel Discussion

Coherency, Opening Your Mind to New Reality Panel Discussion


Editor’s Note: To read the original interview from Marlise Karlin’s radio interview with Dr. William A. Tiller, the renowned physicist, who appeared in the film, “What the Bleep Do You Know”, click: Coherency, Opening Your Mind to New Reality In the midst of the busyness of an ever-changing world, five people from all walks of life search for greater mastery and empowerment on Marlise Karlin’s groundbreaking show, Real Power True Peace. Inspired by expert guests and Marlise’s guidance as they incorporate her Simplicity of Stillness® method, what is revealed is always eye-opening.

OMTimes follows their progress as they face real life challenges and candidly reveal their innermost thoughts and experiences. The following is an excerpt:

Marlise: This past month’s focus has been on Coherence – Opening Your mind to a New Reality. Coherency is the quality of forming a unified whole. And so, anywhere you weren’t in alignment with your own power, or with being at peace in your heart, it appears as a gap in your life. And the good news is, you’re able to release so many limiting beliefs and become incredibly alive and empowered as you see these old patterns leaving you.

Coherency has been a very powerful focus. I want to hear how it’s affected your life, what have you become aware of?

See Also

Laurie: I’m starting to eliminate some lifelong patterns – just as you mentioned – of beating myself up and feeling like I’m not enough. I’m understanding why I do that, where it came from, and how that no longer serves me.

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