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Blue Ray Healing – Energies for October

Blue Ray Healing – Energies for October

by Deb Graves

Deb Graves


The energies for October 2010 carry the 10/10/10 vibration.

This Stargate opening will see the first wave of wayshowers ascending.  These few have worked diligently assisting mankind with the spiritual awakening and evolutionary leap in consciousness. They will be the first to witness this amazing shift. The 10/10/10 energy will bring about a new cycle, one of deeper understanding, connectives, inner tranquility and harmony. Along with this comes the energy of 3 (1+1+1) a time of great creativity and the Divine flow with the three-fold flame.

The purification from last month will continue as your bodies release all toxins, blocked energies, hooks, cords and attachments. Many are finding this a challenge, be open to change, allow the transformation to flow over and through you. Listen to your body as it will direct you as to what it desires to flourish in the way of food and beverages. Rest when you can to allow the assimilation of these intense energies.  It may feel like time has sped up, this is only the beginning of the final push towards the most magnificent era upon this planet.  Acknowledge the inner yearnings and follow your heart and soul forward upon your path.

“First Wave”

In this month’s image you can see the green healing energies flooding forth. Violet rays are transmuting the non healed energies. Orange at the centre shows the transformation taking place. The three points have within them the colors of the three fold flame. All the puzzle pieces are coming together to create the new way of being.

See Also


To keep your energies and vibrations high choose stones such as:

  • Phenacite for awakening the light body.
  • Selenite, which can assist you to connect to the mass consciousness.
  • Herderite which links to evolution and higher understanding.
  • Black Tourmaline to aid in purification to assist you in your transformation.
  • Apophyllite which can bring interdimensional awareness.

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