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When the Exterior World Doesn’t Match You

When the Exterior World Doesn’t Match You

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In the battle of ego and environment, the exterior world seems unwilling to please us. We must flow with the environment rather than try to tame it.

When the Exterior World is at Odds with Your Inner World

By Mina Vintila



There is something very special about the human path. This is due to our ability to over-complicate it with planning and an abundance of thoughts and fears that simply fog up our real vision. The effects of an overactive, thinking brain can be crippling, as it tries to cling to every detail. At times, we build an external expectation; a rigid, rusty world in our minds that we think should become reality, thus turning the flow of a seamless world into a hard to tread land. In this environment, we seek something that is actually not what we are capable of doing- and that is controlling each and every detail. We must flow with the environment and communicate with it rather than try to tame it.

In this constant battle of ego and environment, the exterior world seems to be unwilling to please us, and no wonder! In this empty attempt to set every detail in order, we are playing with a greater force. The small self is battling the entirety of creation- a very uneven playing ground. This is why so much suffering arises when we fail to get what we want, or how we want a certain thing or event to be. The very source of suffering is this exact mechanism that puts very little, feeble desires up to a grander, more elaborate world that we cannot fathom yet. It is here that humbleness must be born and creeps into our awareness like a butterfly that plays with the ego. In a playful arrangement of sorts, we can then see our real place as part of a much greater Universe, revel can then begin to take seed into our hearts and take us into the arms of wonder.

Are we entirely sure what is the best way to be a human? Not entirely, but it is our responsibility to strive for that, to discover the ways that elevate us to the next level in humanity, to be the most harmonious being as well as one that lives in accordance with natural law. In this pursuit, it has been said going against the current can be good. In times of great social injustice, this can be the most beneficial. However, on the individual level, what is the most harmonious in us can lead us to our true path. If we follow the one thing that we can do in the most natural, effortless way, then we can be taken to our true purpose and the home of our spirit. There, we can engage in this activity and then share it openly with the world. Here, there is no suffering associated with living, for we are at one with the Self and the natural world.

There is no painful drudging through life, there is no trying to control every detail, for we know the details all weave into a greater blanket that eventually forms the best possible external reflection possible.

Maya Angelou said, “The bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” If we eliminate the artificial social constructs, we will begin to see a world of freedom, of enjoyment, of pure, unadulterated growth. Here, we were all created to experience the divine, to evolve, and to create our reality. Here, birds sing beautifully, animals live in harmony, ants work away, horses run wild. Here, there is no reason to give a bird a job. Its job is to be a bird…here, there is no need to give a human a job. The human’s job is to be human. It is to be a creature that thrives in nature, that brings peace to everything it touches and lives in utter, eternal joy. That is our job…There is no limitation to what we can do, we put those ideas there artificially through our social institutions. We created them, and in that realization, we can remove them. They are as false as an optical illusion, yet so convincing at times! When you dissolve the concept of man-made jobs, you can clearly see the real work that needs to be done in the exterior world.

What is it that you really want to work on in this lifetime? What’s stopping you? Do you have a job that doesn’t reflect that? Too many times, the answer is yes. If we all dropped the now useless norms we hang on to that don’t fit the natural world, perhaps we would become a bit happier. Also, a bit more responsible towards the entire planet, since we would finally return to who we really are! In fact, the norms that don’t serve us don’t serve the planet either, they destroy it. In the process, they devastate the human spirit, belittle it, and attempt to chain it, diminish it, persecute it. You feel it inside when you can’t come to terms with the ideas of temporal commitments, appointments, and waking up to go to a job you hate. It’s that feeling inside that you can’t always describe, but you know it’s there.  If we all began to simply analyze our interior world, we will see the dissonance that occurs. We can then simply change things. That is how simple it is.

If change seems hard and fears are standing by ready to put you back into the situations you hate, then the process isn’t complete. When it’s complete, everything starts to come together, and our abilities to manifest our reality will simply come to us. It will be like a newly discovered talent, a talent you don’t have to struggle to demonstrate. It is only through faith in manifestation that we can manifest. It has to happen. Real change happens within, even though the exterior world seems to still bug us or test us. It will test us, of course. How can you know that you’ve really changed without the test? It is simply like the bird that has complete faith that its wings will take it across lands far away.  In complete faith, we will soar into the beauty of creation, our home.

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This article was originally published on 13 September 2013

About the Author

Mina Vintila is a Chicago-based writer, advisor, and activist. In her passionate approach to everything she does, she makes an effort to aide humanity in any way possible. As a writer, she started when she was 11 years old and was never caught without a notepad everywhere she went. She was published regularly in the Roosevelt University Torch newspaper as a poet. She loves fairy tales, vintage jewelry and is a true idealist, as her writing reveals.

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