Evolving Enlightenment

Mind Shift with Daniel Pinchbeck
Featuring Richard Smoley and Jay Michaelson
Premiers Tuesday, 01 October
Are we entering into a new era where our thoughts can truly control reality? The answer is complicated, as much of our reality has already been created and human beings are complex beings. With advances in neuroscience being integrated with esoteric traditions, we may indeed be creating a time where our minds do create our reality. Daniel Pinchbeck talks with two scholars of esoteric traditions on the nature of evolving enlightenment.
Jay Michaelson examines the role of mindfulness and dharma in one’s search for enlightenment. While mindfulness is commonly held as key to improving mental and physical health, it can also be used to stunt spiritual evolution. Then, Richard Smoely, who has studied many esoteric traditions, offers various world-views on the nature of reality. Together, they discuss a range of topics from evolutionary spirituality in devotional religions, end of the world prophecy and the future of esoteric traditions.
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Mind Shift with Daniel Pinchbeck on GaiamTV
Mind Shift is a new kind of talk show for a new era. Host Daniel Pinchbeck focuses on the deepest issues impacting our world today. Featuring top intellectual heavyweights and cultural superstars, Pinchbeck and his guests explore topics like the future of civilization, technology, spirituality and an emerging new paradigm for humanity.

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality