Intuitive by Nature
We are Intuitive by Nature
By Lori Marshal and Mark E. Sanders
We all possess an unwavering and reliable guidance system for our life that provides a clear and accurate direction; it’s called intuition and each of us has it. Intuition is generally defined as a direct perception of truth, fact, etc., which is independent of any reasoning process. Intuition it is often called, a “first impression”, a gut feeling”, or stated as “I just know”. It is your “6th sense”, a hunch, or the ability to access, process, and use information without logical, or analytical thinking.
Increasing your awareness of how you process your 5 physical senses strengthens your intuition. This is self-sensing or listening to your higher self, and is internal. Logic and reason are aspects of the mind, while intuition is an attribute of the soul. The human brain is segmented into two hemispheres. The left-brain works with logic, reason, and calculation, to do lists, problem solving, and replaying conversations. It is the source of inner chatter that goes from waking to sleep for many. The right-brain is the location of intuition, emotions, senses, music, art, and creativity. You experience right-brain intuition when the left-brain takes a break.
Intuition is personal, it’s internal, IN-tuition is internal knowing. Intuition is contextual, in that it deals directly with your life situations. Your ability to access and process intuition is directly related to how you focus your intent and how you experience your life. If you are constantly stuck in left-brain mode, it is inherently difficult to hear the voice of the right-brain. Are you a visual person, a listener, or a feeler? Each of these is right-brain experience. It is a different voice than the left-brain chatter.
Intuition is developing your own ability to trust yourself and allowing yourself to respond to the information received. Think of a time when you entered a crowded room. You scan the faces and are drawn to perhaps one person, or get a sense from someone else that makes you want to avoid them. Some may dismiss this as simple pre-judging, however, at a very instinctual level what is happening is your intuition is telling you that you are either going to “get along” with this person or not. However, as in this illustration, you need to be aware that intuition is not impulse and it is not wishful thinking. It is not about blindly following a desire; it is about learning to trust yourself.
What happens to our intuition? Why do some of us seem to instinctively know what to do and which path to take when confronted with a decision, while others constantly ask their friends and family what they think? If we are all born with it, why aren’t we all using it? And respectively, why do we find it easy to give our ideas and opinions to others, and not value that same opinion when it comes from ourselves?
People generally seek validation externally instead of internally. We are taught from society, school, and upbringing that these abilities are invalid. We develop a resistance, because we are taught to look outside. A young child doesn’t question. They simple do what feels right intuitively, until someone steps in and shows them boundaries. We’re all taught to value the opinions of others, and over time we lose our connection to self. Experiencing intuition is simply relearning that connection.
The idea of “should have,” “would have,” “could have,” is the result of second-guessing or not reacting to your initial intuitive nature. Throughout your life you have learned certain things that have helped you to know what works for you. You will have a lot of teachers in your life and they all come to you when you need them, however, when it comes to intuitive development, you are your own best teacher, because intuition comes from within. It comes from the higher self, source, god; it is the larger you and it has your own best interest at heart.
Once people develop their intuition, they experience less confusion and a greater sense of clarity. Using intuition often times can help to find more meaning and purpose while enhancing the quality of life, health and wealth. The more intuitively someone lives the more joy is experienced. It helps in discerning truth without the need for excessive mental activity, reasoning or analysis. Most of the time we already know the answer to the questions we seek, the problem is in trusting ourselves to hear the answer.
Everyone receives intuitive information in some way, such as inner nudges, empathy, guidance in dreams, or flashes of insight. Just like any skill, intuition can be developed. It only takes 15 min a day to begin to experience intuition. Meditation and sitting still while being present is the most efficient way to develop, because it allows you to experience your own inner voice unimpeded by left-brain thinking.
Remember, the first impression is your cleanest and clearest thought from self/ source. The second thought is an echo of that voice. It is where logic comes in; you are putting in your own rationalization, which taints the impression. It may not be the response you want, but it is not about what you want, it is about what you need. It’s about what is right for you in that moment. It is part of the learning process.
Intuition is Mindfulness as opposed to Mindlessness.
Mindfulness is to look at things as an experience to be aware of. It comes from being present and aware of the situation at hand, as opposed to overwhelmed by all the mindlessness in the world; such as speaking, eating, bathing, buying, judging others and being entertained externally. These things disengage us from our intuition. All of these things can be done mindfully, by experiencing the richness held within them. By focusing your intention on eating your Dragon fruit, you readily absorb the nutrition in the plant. Just as focusing your thoughts, actions, and intention on your job helps you to accomplish the task. Mindlessness is unfocused confusion, while Mindfulness is focused experience.
So in conclusion, in expanding your awareness and becoming more intuitive, you will ultimately enhance your experience and bring more enjoyment and fulfillment to your life.
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About the Authors
Lori Marshall and Mark Sanders – A happy couple working together as Psychic Mediums, Intuitive Life Coaches, and published authors, to support people with grief, joy and an understanding of the continuity of life. Their services offer guidance to enhance, embrace and empower your life’s current journey and experience. They offer private and public readings as well as workshops to assist in creating a more meaning and beneficial life. You can find them at
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