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Being Responsible With Our Energy and Practicing Non-attachment

Being Responsible With Our Energy and Practicing Non-attachment

Practicing Non-attachment

By Kasi Kaye Iliopoulos

Here is a quote to think about: ‘It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.’ – Aristotle.

The part about an educated mind, with respect I liken it more to a mark of a discerning and open mind. Basically it means being able to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and consider their perspective, ponder, then put our own shoes back on and say ‘OK’.

Entertaining a thought without accepting it – that is the essence of practicing non-attachment.

Here is some reflection you can do to entertain an ‘external’ thought without attaching to it: Every thought you think and every word you utter for the next few days, reflect on it and ask yourself:

First: ‘Is my intent of kindness?’ – If not, discard it straight away people.

‘Are my thoughts and words about other people?’  If so, then ask:

‘Is it their truth or my truth?’

If it is their truth then it means, ‘as it was spoken from their lips’ with no added commentary from any other. If it is our truth; it means it’s our words, our thoughts, our perception; perhaps our interpretation (of words and situations) that we rationalized with our own minds. Because it comes from within, it originates within us. Once this is understood – we can then understand the responsibility that comes with all our energy that we generate and emanate.

You want to test this?

Individually, ask two people about what they think is ‘right’ in the world.

You will get two different answers based on their own perceptions and interpretations. But it is the SAME world.

Now again individually, ask the same two people what they think about a particular person.

Two different answers? Yet, the SAME person. Are we thinking along the same lines now?

We all have DIFFERENT truths.

A truth spoken from one person is what it is. When it is rationalized or interpreted by another persons’ mind – it no longer is the truth of that person. In fact it becomes a judgement against that person.

Why does this happen? Because we entertained a thought (let’s say based on someone else’s words or actions) – and interpreted it through our own minds, our own understanding from past experiences; with the help of our old, mischievous friend, the ego. Unless you personally contribute to a situation in a negative or destructive manner – what someone else does or says, should not be taken personally. On the contrary if you did contribute to a situation in a negative or destructive manner –ask yourself why you did? Then make an effort to clear any misunderstandings and listen to the other person’s truth as spoken from their lips– basically two-way communication and acceptance is the go.

To clarify, the word judgement is a negative, the positive opposite being acceptance. We can get so caught up sometimes casting judgement towards other people, firstly because something triggered inside so we deflect from looking at what may need improvement within ourselves, and secondly because of a lack of understanding has been brought about by a lack of clarity – all because we entertained the thought and accepted it. All judgement towards ourselves and other people comes from within our own hearts and souls so whatever judgement (thoughts or words) we make about other people is actually an impurity that stems from within ourselves.

How I hear you ask? Because unless you know how the emotion feels within you, you cannot project that emotion at other people. To hate, is to feel hate inside. To love, is to feel love inside. And when it is negative, it normally is about our lack of self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-assurance – because we don’t love ourselves enough so we can’t love other people.

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Are you saying could that be me? Yes, this is confronting. Let me point out we all have done or do this – no one is immune – we are not perfect and not meant to be otherwise we would be angels in the Heavens.

When we evolve and are present in the Now, we recognize this pattern, and learn how to change it to improve ourselves and our lives.  People can be in denial because it is scary to look ourselves and say, I’m not perfect? Please, now don’t ever aim to be perfect, aim to be real and authentic. Then you can acknowledge the impurities within (we all have them), which is a huge revelation, but acknowledging this is the very first step in changing your life in miraculous light filled ways. This is the life process of learning. Peeling those layers to reveal the real you, and it continues throughout this lifetime, but the frequency in recognizing our impurities decreases. It is a process of simplifying and eliminating complexities within and around us.

Practicing Non-attachment allows you to be communicative, open and willing to ask questions to understand situations or other people’s truth – for what it is, without our own rationalizations or assumptions. Sometimes when other people say things, and we over analyse it with your own mind, fear can set in and we will to try and find a fault with it – defend that it is not logical or it doesn’t make sense to us. Surprise – it won’t because it is not our truth but that of someone else’s – so just acknowledge it. Take the path of least resistance.

When you over analyse other people’s truths – that is yourself screaming at you to love yourself more, believe in yourself more, accept yourself more. Acknowledge the light within you, and to take responsibility to change the impurities; the troublesome ego where fear harbors. The impurities of the ego creates so much havoc in our world. If we own our impurities (and it takes courage), they start to break and dissolve; but disowning them, projecting and imposing them on other people make it a heavier burden to carry, and takes up more space from within our own hearts and souls. So please lighten your load.

Bless, live in the light and be love. Truth is the only freedom.

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About the Author

Kasi Kaye Iliopoulos is author of self help guides and a trained Flower Essence Therapy practitioner. Kasi Kaye also practices in iridology, reflexology, herbal remedies and crystal therapy. Kasi Kaye is also a holistic life coach, supporting individuals in overcoming and surpassing life’s challenges. In addition, her passion to discover the spiritual laws of life inspires her writing to self-empower others to heal their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual entities. Kasi Kaye’s other passion is to bridge the gap between complementary and western medicine – which she is working towards as she continues study to attain her Bachelor of Health Science, majoring in Naturopathy.

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