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Conscious TV – Week of 4 November

Conscious TV – Week of 4 November


Conscious TV Guide

Conscious TV – Week of 4 November

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Geometric Resonance

Premiers Monday, 04 November – As the energy of our universe flows, it resonates in complex geometric patterns. When you begin to understand this geometry, you begin to understand the underpinning of all reality. This is why many mystery schools try to keep this all a secret. David Wilcock reveals the complexities of geometric resonance as it forms vortexes, gravity waves, and the heavier elements.


Spell Craft

Premiers Monday, 04 November Witches, casting ominous spells and raising the dead while cackling into the night is a popular image which is both fantastical and contrived. Modern witches do cast spells and communicate with spirits, but they uphold a moral code where every action has its three-fold consequence. Renowned Salem witch Leanne Marrama unveils the truth behind the beneficial work she performs for her community in this interview with George Noory.


Psychedelic Perspectives

Premiers Tuesday, 05 November – Some people say that psychedelics, like ayahuasca and iboga, offer a peek behind the curtain of reality and can be a catalyst for conscious evolution. Others caution that these substances are not for everyone and that their misuse can have dire consequences. Daniel Pinchbeck examines the ceremonial use and the misuse of ayahuasca with three psychonauts: Ben Lee, Ross Brockley and Stuart Braunstein.


The Hidden Power of DNA

Premiers Tuesday, 05 November – What does it mean to be human? Is it something in our molecules or our unique expression of consciousness? The answer to these questions lies hidden within our DNA. William Brown explains how the unused DNA in our bodies can be unlocked to reveal the greatest secrets of being human and our connection with the universe in this interview with Regina Meredith.


Freedom from Fluoride

Premiers Wednesday, 06 November – Fluoride: Public health achievement or hazardous contaminate? Mike Adams and Dr. Ed Group, DC, reveal the shocking facts and statistics behind one of America’s most accepted additives. In this eye-opening episode, Adams and Group discuss the history of fluoride, its widespread sources, and why its use is unsafe, ineffective and inequitable.


The Auto-Immune Answer

Premiers Thursday, 07 November – Over half a million people in the U.S. today are burdened with Crohn’s disease, and author Mee McCormick was one of them. When her debilitating condition began to cost her all quality of life, she decided to fight back. In her new book, My Kitchen Cure, McCormick shares her amazing discoveries on the healing powers of food, and creates a lifestyle that will help anyone suffering from any form of auto-immune disease. She shares her valuable insights with Lisa Garr.


What on Earth Will it Take?

Premiers Friday, 08 November – If you ask what is wrong with the world today, you will be inundated by a myriad of answers. Instead of obsessing over all of our problems, what if we could share our ideas for creating a better future in an effective way? Foster Gamble explains to Lilou Macé how the Thrive Network helps innovators, with their own pieces of the solution, to connect and work together.

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