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Ask Whitedove – Day of the Dead

Ask Whitedove – Day of the Dead

A personal advice column by America’s #1 Psychic

Day of the Dead

by Michelle Whitedove

Dear Michelle,

I’ve always needed to get eight or more hours of sleep per night to feel that I’m at my best. Over the past few months I’m lucky to get six hours of good sleep. I’m getting used to my new routine although I’m mystified as to why I awake each night abruptly around 3AM and then struggle to gain a few more hours. I get a feeling that I’m being awakened for a purpose, any insight?  Sleepless in Santa Fe

Dear Sleepless,

These days, people are sleeping less and only when their body feels tired.  Your body is aware that it requires fewer hours of sleep during the night.  It’s important for you to know that midnight to 3am is primetime for the spirit world.  During these witching hours, supernatural events are noticed more frequently.  Being awakened consecutively during these hours is a sign. Your unseen support team of Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides are prompting you to get busy.  So when you are awakened abruptly, tune-in through mediation and prayer; ask for God’s guidance. Use these wake up calls to your advantage to develop your intuition, read a spiritual book, and listen to guidance through meditation.  God have never stopped speaking to humanity, it’s just that most people have forgotten how to listen.   


Hello Michelle, 

I’ve seen some really beautiful “Day of the Dead” skulls painted with flowers and candies too. I’ve been told that these colorful skulls are part of a Mexican religious holiday.  Many people head South and cross the border to witness this festival. Can you tell me more about this custom?  Gringo in San Diego

Dear Gringo,

Day of the Dead”, Día de los Muertos is an ancient custom that celebrates the continuance of life. The Aztecs honored the journey of the soul by feasting and communing with their ancestors.  Death was just considered the next stage in the circle of life and spirit communication was a normal activity.  But when the Spanish conquistadors arrived they saw these rituals as sacrilegious. They were not able to eliminate the ceremony so over a period of years, elements of Catholicism have been integrated.

Today the ritual is continued in Mexico and parts of Latin America on November 1st to meld with the Catholic All Souls Day.  You’ll see effigies of Jesus and Mother Mary, next to highly adorned skulls.  To the Aztecs, skulls were the symbol for life and rebirth and in modern times they are decorated with brightly colored designs and flowers to honor the dead and they’re even inscribed on cookies, cakes and candy.

The preparations for the festivity starts weeks in advance, families prepare large amounts of the deceased favorite foods for the feast day. They plan the celebration to be at the grave or in the home. The graveyard is transformed into a thing of beauty with mass amounts of flowers, candles, photos and items loved by the dearly departed are all displayed.  The loved one is remembered with stories and even jokes as the family gathers at the grave for a memorial celebration and feast to honor their loved one. And since they don’t see death as a separation, it’s believed that the spirit also joins the party!

Dear Whitedove,

See Also

My father died about ten years ago and our family really misses him.  But I’m troubled that my sister always prays to him.  How do you feel about praying to loved ones?

Daddy’s Girl in Missouri 

Dear Daddy’s Girl,

From the other side, our loved ones do check in on us from time to time.  But they are limited in their abilities to actually assist us because they are still learning and evolving in the spirit realm.   Even though we have an unseen support team of Angels and Guides, I always advise people to take your prayers and requests to the top.  God is the all-knowing Universal Consciousness that has the solutions to our Earthly problems.

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About the Author

Celebrity Psychic and Spiritual Medium Michelle Whitedove gives clarity on topics from Archangels to Zodiac, just  ASK WHITEDOVE! .  You can ask your specific questions at on the CONTACT Page. Be sure to check her appearances too: This Month Michelle will be doing events in Florida and New Mexico!  Come see her in Church Falls Virginia in November!

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