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Beginnings and Endings

Beginnings and Endings

By Rev Marcy Ellen

The experience of a new beginning is often times overshadowed by the experience of a painful ending. Old structures must break down in order for new and more advanced structures to rise up. Form is in a constant state of flux and it is only when we resist this notion that we suffer. Suffering is not caused by the ending or the breaking down of a current form. We experience suffering when we resist change by expecting things in the physical world to stay the same. We so often lose sight of the fact that the material form of anything is so fleeting that when it disappears we go into a state of resistance wondering why this dissolution of form is happening yet again.

Form or structure is always shifting in the physical world. To expect anything different will only bring about anguish. The key to staying grounded and tranquil in this world is to have a constant understanding of the mercurial nature of it. If you look through a kaleidoscope while rotating it and expect to see the same image continually you will become frustrated with its ever-changing characteristics. The kaleidoscope is like our life here in the material world and the rotation of it is akin to time moving forward. If you go through this physical experience with a resistance to the notion of time and change you will begin to feel thwarted every time a form changes or during every transformation. However, if you see life in the tangible world as an exquisite but ever-changing kaleidoscope where every image is new and beautiful in its own way then you can begin to enjoy the transformations in your life. You will see that endings are not really endings but rather they are new beginnings. You will see that form really isn’t going anywhere it is merely rearranging itself into something unique and superior.

Endings are just the Universe’s way of saying “I have a greater creation in store for you, something better and more suitable for where you are now”. You are evolving so form is going to evolve to better suit your new needs. If someone is walking out of your life it is only to create space for someone new and improved to walk in. If your marriage is crumbling it is because that form no longer serves you and something more serving is on its way. The breaking down of form is the breaking through of spirit. Your spirit always knows when it has outgrown something in the physical world, so trust it. Don’t be afraid to watch structures collapse. They are only structures. The soul is eternal and it doesn’t depend on anything physical to thrive.

The deterioration of the old is always followed by the resurrection of the new. If endings make you depressed then place your attention on the new beginning that is about to unfold before you. Instead of focusing on the death or demise of things set your sights on their re-birth. Every minute, every second the things of the physical world are experiencing re-birth. With change comes the miraculous gift of a new chance. You get a do-over, a mulligan, a clean slate to begin again.

Sure you may feel sad momentarily as you let go of the old but if you accept the whimsical nature of this world and even embrace it you will be pleasantly surprised with the Universe’s natural tendency to provide for you. Spirit is always looking to upgrade your current situation so that it can better serve you. So have faith that if something feels as if it’s being taken away from you it is only so that space can be made for something new.

See Also

Let the kaleidoscope of your life change naturally as it is meant to from one scenic image to the next. Learn to savor each impression without getting attached to it. Then as the picture begins to disassemble you can watch with joy and excitement because you’ll know that it will reassemble into something grander then you could have ever imagined. You will see an ending for what it truly is; a gateway for a new beginning and one more chance to be born yet again.

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About the Author

Rev. Marcy Ellen is the author of The Soul Truth; Reflections for the Waking Soul. She is an energy healer, spiritual channel, 3rd degree Reiki Master, radio host, and a contributor at Simple Love Advice.

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