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Dreaming the Impossible Dream

Dreaming the Impossible Dream

by Maria Khalifé



Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek. ~ Mario Andretti

There is a law governing life that says “Desire is the motivating factor of life.” You can see that if you will reflect backwards about the things you have wanted and been motivated to obtain in your life. One of the nicest things about desires is that they well up from inside you and there seems to be an endless supply of them. That means, we are continuously motivated to obtain our desires on into infinity, doesn’t it? It’s kind of a cool design when you think about it.

One of the most wonderful things about this rule of life is that if our desire appears to be about something we can’t readily have or find, we are forced to become more – to stretch ourselves out of our current place – to find it or get it. And so, we unfold more of ourselves, courtesy of the universal laws. But here is another perspective to wanting something that seems beyond ourselves: what if in our searching for the next great thing and the next bigger one after that, we neglect to be grateful for the blessings we already have?

Satisfaction plays a big role in our lives. How satisfied are you deeply and truly with what you have already manifested in your life? Are you one of those people who always have to have the latest and greatest gadgets and gizmos, not recognizing that our life is already filled with the blessings in place currently? If you think some “thing” is going to make you a better person, perhaps you’d be well-served to take an inventory of who you truly are right here and right now. You may discover you already ARE what you have been desiring.

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Personal Altar OMTimes

Have you ever heard one party in a relationship speak wishful words about the partner of another? How deeply have they searched for the good in their own partner? If you search and find the good in your own partner, what you wishfully thought was wonderful in another may be right in front of you. You and I could easily get caught up in this avid search outside ourselves, our homes, our relationships and forget that what we are searching for may already be right there, right now present in our own lives.

In your searching for the good desires that are welling up from inside you as you inventory your present life, you might ask yourself questions like these. I will use generosity as an example of the thing desired.

  1. What is there in my own self that is generous?
  2. Where is there generosity in my boss and work associates?
  3. How does my spouse already demonstrate generosity?
  4. If I see generosity in another, do I then complain about the amount of it?
  5. How do I reflect generosity daily, and how can I add to that?

It seems to me that you have two options in this acquisition of our desires idea: you can stretch to become more, to have more ad infinitum. Or, you could seek deeply to see if what you want is truly, already, there. Isn’t it nice to have such a generous choice?

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