Honoring Spirit
By Janice Chrysler
In a show of respect we honor each of the seven elements for their place in creation. The first six, the rising sun, our ancestors, the setting sun, our personal journey, Father Sky and Mother Earth all bring us things we can see and touch in this world. The last element that we honor is Spirit. We hold Spirit in highest regard by acknowledging that it really has no beginning or end, is neither first nor last, greater or less than all the other elements. In fact, Spirit is what brings all the other elements together and is the invisible yet joining force within and around all things. All of life has evolved from the Spirit and one day it will all return to this creative source. There is nothing that exists that does not contain at least a spark of Spirit within it.
Spirit, God, Divine, Creator, Shiva, Ala, are all names we have assigned to identify this magnificent source of life. But do these names really describe what “it” is? In Hindu, That and It are used instead of he or she when talking about this Spirit as it contains both masculine and feminine and there is no other word in our language to use. Throughout the centuries human kind has felt they must identify with God in human ways; making the Creator more human and it blasphemous for us to think of ourselves as having God within us. Many cultures and religions teach that we are not worthy, or are far beneath the creator and so we stop short of releasing our full potential and our spiritual ability to connect fully to this source.
What if we truly believed we were given all the tools and resources to be a creator? If all things begin with our thoughts what stops us from allowing the God within to see God in others, in the world around us and to put worth this spirit into all things we say and do? Perhaps that is our purpose on this earth, to really come to understand the wonder and magnificence of Spirit.
It is our soul that grows and changes not the Source. Our relationship with It is what expands and our eyes open to a deeper understanding and wisdom. Spirit, like all the other elements that have come from this source, are constant.
What or who is God to you? What if you had one,two or three words to describe I Am, what would it be? Is the meaning in a name or an emotion? What if our purpose in this world is to experience the emotion, how things and people make us feel and to observe those feelings? Perhaps, that is all we are to do…just be and observe. Would this bring us closer to understanding how amazing unconditional love truly is? If we never went through trials and tribulations we may never appreciate the oneness of Spirit.
So often it is through the tears that we discover joy, love and compassion. It strengthens us if we so choose and helps us to grow in spiritual awareness in ways that otherwise were not possible. We all long to feel the connection to our Source, to our God. It is in the belief that there is a consciousness that is protecting, just and always there that gives meaning to our own lives.
With every lifetime we bring to this world another set of questions. It is the search for the answers that more questions are developed and through the continued journey of our lives that we make our way home to Spirit. We are like the waves in the ocean, rising up out of source to experience life then to return and gain strength and renewal from the vastness of the waters.
Each soul is like the droplets that make up the ocean; united by Spirit to form the mighty ocean, then joining together to rise up and travel a time on earth, each one returning to Source. We take back with us the experiences and adventures, the emotions and the wisdom gained through our time here on earth. All of this is added to the Source, endlessly expanding beyond time and space.
Spirit joins us all together through unconditional love and compassion. Let us recognize this wonderful thread that binds us and forever transports us through the ages and back to our home with Spirit. Our bodies are only a vessel to carry us for this moment in time and our Soul, being one with Spirit, is eternal.
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About the Author:
As a Spiritual Growth Facilitator, Janice combines her experience and training as a Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Healing Circle Meditation Facilitator (and founder) and Life Passage Officiant in developing various workshops for personal growth and development by bringing more balance to mind, body and spirit. Janice has been a contributing author for several online magazines, produced several guided meditation recordings and Beyond the Chakra Oracle Cards. Currently she sits as Past Chair for the newly developed Hastings County Wellness Group.
For more information go to www.mindfuljourney.ca.
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