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Achieve Your 2011 Career Goals with Feng Shui

Achieve Your 2011 Career Goals with Feng Shui

by Ken Lauher



Are you looking to make a change in the New Year? Maybe you were laid off and have decided 2011 will be the year you find the job of your dreams. Or maybe your dream is to switch careers — you’ve set your intention and made it your New Year’s goal to make it happen. Perhaps you just want to move up in your current company — finally get that corner office, or a substantial pay raise, or more decision-making responsibility and opportunity to put your true creative talents to work.

Whatever your career goals, you can make it happen — and Feng Shui can help you by shifting the energy in your environment so it is in better alignment with your goals.

Conventional wisdom holds that hiring — and job hunting — stops during the Christmas holidays as people get busy. Hiring may pick up again in January when companies evaluate their budgets. If you’ve taken a break from your job hunt — whether you’re currently employed and looking for something better or are looking for work — now’s the time to begin your search, possibly with a revamped resume, some new clothes, and a new perspective.

Plenty of resources exist if you need assistance with the first part of that equation, to polish up the professional presentation of your skills, abilities and experience. Using Feng Shui in your job hunt or in your quest for a promotion can help you “dress for success” and also help to give you the confidence, perseverance and focus you need to land not just a paycheck, but a career that will offer greater financial rewards and personal fulfillment.

Let’s explore three different ways we can use Feng Shui to shape our environment, change our thought patterns, and achieve our career goals:

– Our emotions (Before, During and After the Interview)

See Also

– Our clothing

– Our home, apartment or office

“Living As If” You Already Have the Job or Position

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “walk the walk,” or even “walk the talk.” If you’re a regular visitor to my blog or a reader of this column, you may also be familiar with the concept of “living as if.” This means to carry yourself, talk, dress and act as if you already ARE who you want to be. In other words, dress for the role you want, carry yourself with the confidence that you already have the job, and feel yourself living the life of someone in whatever position you wish to have.

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