What is Your Calling?
By Hilde Pols
We shake hands and exchange names. Sometimes we even struggle to retain the name we just learnt. The conversation moves on, whilst we wrack our brains, “who is s/he again?”. Yet we are not merely looking for a string of sounds to which this person reacts. We try to get a grasp of the person as a whole. Maybe it is no wonder that remembering a name is not so important to the mind then?
In this day an age a name is a means to call someone or put a face to an action. We have lost touch with the meaning behind the string of sounds. The difference between Stephen and William is one of parental choice, between Julia and Julie of culture or language. And yet if we stop to take a good look at what our name contains we learn so much about our spiritual path.
Your Calling
Have you ever wondered why some languages do not literally ask “what is your name?” but “what are you called?” (French), or specify a “call”-name (German: ‘Rufname’). “Called” leads us right to the heart of the matter: Our name describes our calling: The reason we were “called” into this life and onto the earth plane. You could see it as a promise you made to yourself, or what “job” the unity of humanity or even souls has assigned to you.
But is your calling formed based on an arbitrary choice made by your parents or do they somehow pick up on what your life is to become? The trend is developing that parents look into the meaning of a name. Yet even without that research they are drawn to names they particularly like. A feeling probably guided by their Higher self or God and/or the spirit of the child to be.
But some people do not seem to fit their name. On occasion someone might comment “sorry, I keep wanting to call you William instead of Rudi” or inadvertently just use the “wrong” name, or is it actually the right one? The reason here can be, that the parents did not follow their intuition when choosing a name. This could be due to a strong family tradition of names being handed down, or a subconscious dislike of the task or calling they are placing on the child.
On the other hand the person might be unconsciously refusing to fulfill their calling. This can go hand in hand with their dislike of their name. They dream of being called something different or even have it changed. It is common to encounter a person who is both unhappy with their name and their life. Everything seems to be against them or go wrong, whilst actually their not accepting their name and thus their calling, which causes this friction.
What is in a name?
Some names do not only carry meaning through what word(s) it might link back to, but also through historic, religious or folklore figures. A George is called as an “earth worker” or acts as a protector as his legendary example Saint George, or as a leader as the historic George Washington. A Theresa can be a harvester or feel called to follow Mother Theresa’s example in helping others.
Have you ever wondered or even looked into where you name comes from or what it means? What are you telling others and yourself about who you are, every time you introduce yourself or are introduced? Granted in this day and age the listener will probably not know much about the meaning of your name. If at all they might be familiar with a few other people (historic or living) who share your name. But if at all, that is merely and aid to hopefully remember your name if they need it later on.
And yet many budding parents take great care in choosing their child’s name. Even the middle names are important, whether it is how they all sound together or whether family tradition requires certain names to be passed down, or the names of the godparents to be included. If possible, ask your parents why they settled on this particular name for you and what it means to them. You can also talk to friends about how they perceive you and your name. Or look at others who also bare your name and how they live(d) their calling. There are many websites out there that offer insight into the meaning and history of names. If you haven’t yet, go on a little adventure of discovery.
Consider also what nicknames you prefer and are known by. Some cultures also give an individual a hidden or secret name, only known to that person and the parent or mentor who gave it. Maybe you have also chosen a name you use privately for yourself or as your internet handle. How do these make you feel in comparison to your given name? Is it emphasizing or hiding a certain aspect of your calling?
Some cultures tried to erase names from history (Ancient Egyptian) or caution against offering your real name to another, as they saw power and knowledge behind them. Even today people in public occupations (artists, authors, etc.) chose a different name, when they started their career, to guard their privacy. Delving into the meaning of your name can uncover a whole world, offer a fresh perspective on your life, and might indeed unlock some powerful knowledge about who you are and/or your life’s purpose.
You called?
How do you feel when someone calls you? Is it a call to action or would you rather hide? Do you feel competent to meet your calling or do you prefer to pass it onto others or find excuses? The fact is your calling is referred to all the time, when someone calls you from across the room, or even when you introduce yourself or are introduced.
We actually are known to others by our promise or job for this life. We even offer this information up freely when meeting strangers along with a handshake, as if reaffirming our promise. We go up to a person, state our purpose in life and shake on it. Perhaps we find it so hard to remember another’s name, because the person has yet to understand and stand behind their calling? After all, some names and people make a direct impact, whilst others seem really hard to “grasp” and remember. Of course, this does not mean we should make a habit of walking around with a name dictionary on hand to look up what the person in front of us is all about. Our intuition will tell us, if the person is living their calling or not. Whether they own their name and act upon the path it offers them.
So let us go back to our initial meeting. Who are you again?
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About the Author
Hilde Pols combines her music training with her energy work: As a flute and ensemble teacher she developed many techniques to encourage creativity and a sense of the own body, mind and soul. As a Certified Meditation Instructor, Healer and Dorn/Breuss Therapist she supports individuals to take life into their own hands. Providing healing and other modalities at http://inkaleidoskop-engl.weebly.com/ in Germany, she has also taught in Denmark and the US.
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