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Harmonic Dreams

Harmonic Dreams

The Sound Healing & YOGA

Interview with Timothy By Faernworks

“Before we start, I just want to say a few things about sound as a healing modality. I’ve often be asked what exactly is sound healing, and often it is assumed that I will sit and play music during a session.  Music is sound, and can be used in sound healing. Music can be written to induce a variety of emotional responses; example: Ballads get us soft inside. Techno gets us moving.  Music is however a collection of sounds that are made up of specific frequencies and it is these frequencies that bring about a response. A romantic scene in a movie will be backed with stringed instruments playing gently, rather than a kick drum.

Why? Because the higher frequencies resonate with the higher parts of the body; the heart, the head, they are where the emotions derive.  So, sound healing is all about creating frequencies of sound that resonate in harmony with the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual bodies. The frequencies can be created in various ways: toning with voice, beating a drum, playing a frequency on a musical instrument such as didgeridoo, tuning forks to name just a few. Different sound healing practitioners will have their selection of sounding tools.

The understanding behind the power of sound is that everything in the universe has a natural vibrational frequency. In fact all of the major beliefs around the world have sound as the beginning of everything. “In the beginning was … and God Said”…. “The Big Bang” “Om is the sound of the universe”

See Also

Sound is everything. Everything is in vibration. Everything! Modern science is now starting to realize this as well.  As humans we have a very limited hearing range compared to other beings, with much more powered hearing abilities. Just because we cannot hear the sound does not mean it does not exist. It’s there, its vibration, and its sound.  We all use sound as a healing modality from birth. When was the last time that you hurt yourself, or cut a finger, and did not respond with a cry or yelp, or some kind of sound. Next time you injure yourself, just try to resist the urge to release sound, and I guarantee that it will be more painful!!!” ~Timothy Q. At what age did sound begin playing an important role in life?

A. I would say that my journey in sound really started at the age of 6, when my parents inherited a piano. I did not know it at the time of course.  As a child I was tone deaf, completely incapable of telling one note from the next, which meant that I had to really list hard. I was really listening to the frequencies, not the music, just trying to tell the difference between them. As a growing musician this was really difficult, but in the realm of sound as a vibrational healing tool, I was planting seeds.

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