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Humanity Healing and Uganda’s Anti-Gay Laws

Humanity Healing and Uganda’s Anti-Gay Laws

Stop Anti-Gay Laws in Uganda_humanityHealing

The World received the shocking news coming from Uganda this week that the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has signed into law a bill ( Uganda’s Anti-Gay Laws) that toughens penalties against gay people and defines some homosexual acts as crimes punishable by life in prison. A Major Human Rights Violation.

“The bill, introduced first in 2009, originally included a death penalty clause for some homosexual acts. It was briefly shelved when Britain and other European nations threatened to withdraw aid to Uganda, which relies on millions of dollars from the international community”…, says CNN News.

In Uganda today, the simple fact that you have a different set of preferences in your love life that do not conform to the view sanctioned by the current Ugandan government, you are committing a criminal act. The Uganda’s Anti-Gay Laws even goes further, transforming citizens into criminals if they do not report others for being homosexual.

In light of these recent events, Humanity Healing International, a non-political, non-partisan, and non-religion organization that has been working in Uganda since 2008, is announcing that it has decided to continue the support the marginalized people of Uganda through its projects and to continue to stand for equality of Human Rights, extended to all members of our Human family. What is important to us are the individuals we help, not their governments.

We also understand that the recent Ugandan government decision may create many additional obstacles to the work of HHI, along with many other relief organizations and nonprofits, who believe in the principals that guide the International Declaration of Human Rights.

This is a tragedy travestied as a pseudo-victory of the Ugandan President, as we witness the rise of behaviors abhorred by the civilized world such as the witch hunt that has started in Uganda with the first newspaper article publishing the names of “200 Top Gays In the Country”.

Humanity Healing International has been trying desperately, since December 2013, to bring awareness of one of the more disturbing situations Humanity still faces in this century, along with the broader disgrace of Human trafficking, which is the plight of people that suffers from Albinism who are hunted down and sold in Africa as objects for Human sacrifice.

Despite of the possible obstacles and future challenges, Humanity Healing International will continue its pursuit for justice, education and community development in bringing awareness and pushing for tougher laws to protect these individuals, including innocent children, and to provide them with a possibility to live a life without fear and with the same opportunities in life that any other individual could have in their African countries.

We believe that despite the hate and bigotry we face at this point, love and understanding will ultimately prevail, and that is why our struggle continues, because we believe in a better world and we believe in a better future. This is the legacy of Humanity Healing International in Africa.

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Please sign a petition to stop discrimination at
Please sign a petition to stop discrimination at

For more information on our current projects in Uganda, visit:

See Also

Albino Rescue –

Pads for Schoolgirls –

And Sign our Petitions  to stop Uganda’s Anti-Gay Laws:  In

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Asheville, North Carolina 28804
Phone (571) 374-4674

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