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Discovery and Rebirth

Discovery and Rebirth


By Janice Chrysler

Soon another season will quickly come to a close and another will begin. As in our travel through life, one situation ends and another begins. We need to have a death before a rebirth can occur. It is usually necessary for us to shed something from our past, no matter how secure it feels in order to move ahead. This is not always easy and is different for everyone as we are all on different parts of our journey. No one can fully understand how another truly feels or how difficult a certain change is for him or her. We can however, put out a hand of encouragement and love to those who are trying to find their way. We never know who is watching or following our lead.

Whether we are attempting to find the perfect job or career, longing for that relationship made in heaven, desiring harmony in our homes, or seeking higher understanding and wisdom through various religions it all comes down to our search for our personal happiness and contentment.

We are constantly bombarded with advertisements, movies and TV and Radio shows telling us how we should look, feel and think. How we appear to others is high on the list with little or no thought to how we think of ourselves. We need to take this opportunity and ask ourselves the following:

1. Do we take time to periodically review where we are in our life? A sort of check in and checkup on our life’s path to see if we are on a course or wandering aimlessly without direction or purpose.

2. Do we resist change in any form, and this includes holding onto regrets, remorse, and negative feelings? After all, doing the same thing, the things that we know, refusing to change our point of view, grow in understanding, keeps us in the past.

3. Do we have our thoughts so far into the future that we find ourselves consumed with worry, confusion and running through probable negative scenarios that only aid in limiting the manifestation of our desires?

4. Can we focus on the “now” and realize that it is the only moment we have any control over? Taking from even the tiniest bit of joy and pleasure?

5. Do we allow ourselves to be truly happy? Or do we believe we do not deserve happiness for whatever reason (see 2)?

We are all deserving of love and happiness and in order to bring more of it into our lives we must first be content with ourselves. During this search we may find we need to set aside traditions, beliefs, and sometimes this may mean setting aside certain friendships in order to move forward in our own development. This is not always easy and comes through much prayer and meditation. After all, even our family and close friends may not fully grasp why we are doing this and out of genuine concern try to stop us. Granted, there have been many swayed by various cult leaders while on their quest but this doesn’t have to be the way.

Through prayer and meditation we become in touch with our mind-body-spirit connection and give ourselves permission to follow our heart. This opens us up to receiving Spirit on various levels of understanding, trust and acceptance. As we continue to search for truth and healing we will no doubt find our point of view changing or rather maturing and growing. Surprisingly, we may be looking in the mirror one morning and realize just how much we have changed and not just physically!

The search for true joy is our life’s work in progress and should never end. No matter how dark it seems, know deep within there is the love of Spirit just waiting for us to be united in the warmth of unconditional love. With every breath there is hope and an opportunity to experience all this world has to offer.

We need not fear change as it brings with it the desire to expand our understanding and knowledge of all things. There will always be those who do not “get” what we are doing or why we think the way we do and we need to understand that is okay. Maybe tomorrow, or next week or five years from now our train of thought will be different, as we have gathered more adventures and life experiences.

By listening to the world around us, the voice of Spirit and our own higher self we will learn to appreciate happiness and love in every moment, in every person, and in every thing we do. It all begins within each of us to find that happiness, contentment and love. No one can hand it to us or make us experience it. It needs to become part of the very fabric of our being. Each day must be one of gratitude for something no matter how small. This native poem states it very well:

See Also

“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light,

give thanks for your food and the joy of living

If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies in yourself.” Tecumseh

Release from the past will free our souls to soar freely above worries and regrets. Once these chains are broken we will fly with conviction, purpose and discovery until we reach that moment of complete and utter trust. It is in that moment when we feel the connection to all of nature, the Universe and Spirit that we will truly trust to let this breath of life carry us and allow ourselves to glide in effortless grace and love with the Divine. Like a mighty eagle, alone in the sky with outstretched wings, appearing to gently float with no worry or concerns, trusting in the invisible hands that are guiding him through time and space, we too will learn to put our trust in those same hands.

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About the Author

As a Spiritual Growth Facilitator, Janice combines her experience and training as a Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Life Passage Officiant in developing various workshops for personal growth and development by bringing more balance to mind, body and spirit. Janice has been a contributing author for several online magazines and creator of the newly released Beyond the Chakras Oracle Cards and several recorded guided meditations. She is currently working on self help books focused on spiritual growth. To learn more visit

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