What are the Twin Flames?
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What are Twin Flames?
Twin Flames – Astrological, Psychological and Mythological Ways for Interpretation
Part 2 of 3
by Christos Archos, M.Sc
Editor’s Note: This article by Cristos Archos has been split into three parts. They can be found at: Part 1: Twin Flames Part 2: What are the Twin Flames? Part 3: Identifying Twin Flames
I believe the reason astrology exists is to shed light on misinterpreted phenomena and enlighten individuals to their inner dispositions. It’s critical for people to understand why something is happening in a particular situation because it strengthens the soul.
Twin Flames are a valuable phenomenon that brings fundamental change to the way we see the world in not solely an esoteric view, but also in scientific one as well.
When people understand the concept of twin flames, they understand the last two centuries of connections with what we call “karmic bonds.” In fact, the twin flames bond takes a relationship to a much more sophisticated level…
~Cristos Archos
* The numbering is the sound of the numbers as they are called in Greek. Pythagoras believed that numbers had their own vibration and had a meaning helping people reach their balance when they used them.
Let’s continue our travels:
tria*) The Duality World in Decline
Heraclitus said duality is an illusion and people who believe in the duality of the world are ignorant. The ancient philosopher understood there is no duality and that it is an invention of people who want to lose their connection with reality. All are one, but the ancient world didn’t understand the words of the famous philosopher. Greek, Persian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese and Indian civilizations couldn’t understand the world without the concept of duals.
Dualism through Christianity became even stronger, but then duality of things was understood as something bad when things get worse. Mind and body were different for people even a decade ago. For monotheistic religious beliefs, part of life had no significance. The only thing that mattered was the spiritual world. Modern science responded to that by attempting a nihilistic point of view, denying everything spiritual and seeing only one dimension of human existence. We’ve lost the balance and are slaves of the dualistic conflict. This is one reason why our relationships suffer. There are two kinds of people: those who give too much and those who take too much. We have lost the inner meaning of our relationships. We have relationships not because of our inner needs but because we don’t want to be alone. We want sex, money and everything else, except intimacy.
We live on the edge of opposites and not between them. The triumph of the fourth ray of harmony through conflict leads people to continually fight with themselves and with others. Usually, people never reach harmony because they are trapped in conflicts. Depression, loneliness, abandonment, and sorrow are the major psychological problems of the new era.
According to theory, twin flames are two people existing in the world with a strong bond between them. When the environment is helpful, those flames compose the ultimate romantic relationship. When the soul enters the human kingdom it split itself into two parts. As we said before, the entrance for Earth is Cancer. Before entering Earth we have to split ourselves in the Gemini stage. By splitting ourselves and souls into two bodies, we learn the world through opposites and acquire more understanding of the Cosmos. Imagine it as a light, a single ray divided through a prism into several colors.
When we meet our other half instantly a very powerful attraction is created. Sometimes it may be our teacher, a parent, or even a friend. Many times this creates a powerful relationship which we call as love without frontiers. This love shapes and changes the connected beings forever. Through the relationship, they become stronger and happier. They reach harmony and have stability in their lives. When we find our twin flame we find ourselves again. Many people in this world have the ability to reach their twin flame, but because they are bonded to conflict, they are blind and cannot see clearly. Others respect their souls’ instincts and find strong and beautiful relationships which they handle successfully over time.
Twin flames are one of the basic reasons we come to the Earth. By understanding our other half, we become better people and we help ourselves to become independent. Twin flames are sometimes misused with relationships that have a lot of pain and they are never completed. But this is not a true twin flame relationship. A twin flame relationship is a source of happiness and completeness. It brings unification and those relationships spark as if nothing can harm them.
A twin flame is love in a higher dimension when nothing can harm the absolute truth of happiness. Usually, the persons that meet each other have such an immediate effect on one another they come and change the world of the other.
Editor’s Note:
This article by Cristos Archos has been split into three parts.
About the Author
Christos Archos (M.sc) is a Psychologist and a professional astrologist. He is a CBT practitioner and a relationships counselor.
Christos Archos © 2010 for OM Times Magazine
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Twin flames are the ultimate in conscious energy and awareness. Having dealt with this phenomenon over the last 2 years i have realized whats known currently about twin flames is erroneous. First the attraction is based on a strong spiritual connection, second the realization of such strong energies shakes us to the core of ego in trying to adapt to what is going on because it automatically causes us to change from ego based thinking to sacred heart based thinking. This creates the push pull commonly cited as a quality of twin flame relationships. the push is derived from resisting the change and the pul is the incremental letting go of an aspect of resistance to change from ego based thinking. There is a common idea that there is only one twin flame but in my experience there are many potential twin flames. people support the idea that freewill is a huge factor in twin flames yet lock into the imprisoning idea of there being only one. the fact i have realized from two years of numerous TF level connections, is that any connection could be that, the ultimate telling of who is who is doing the changing to sacred heart based thought. The two that do make a proper bond, the two that do have become disgusted by ego patterns and want relief in the changes of surrendering to their own higher energies, seeing there is ease of all egoic stresses in that surrender. I have had telepathic experiences with at least 8 women in the last two years and none being physical, my first twin was a false twin or lost twin as they say. simply spurred the connection then rejected it, she was incidentally a meth addict who is chronically depressive, and feeling that hell for nearly 2 years was , well it was nothing short of the most incredibly destructive energy a person could ever feel. At times i felt like i was physically dying, having heart issues, strokes , the list is fairly long after that period of time. twin 2 has tons of sexual karma that prevents her from being loyal, and a spiritual laziness that prevents her from changing to heart based thinking. twin 3 is honest, powerful, open and disgusted with the incredible chaos a resistant ego causes in this process. She also happens to be the best of the three in terms of character.
Twin flames is the activation of the highest levels of spiritual energy that mankind can have, and the proliferation of it at this time comes as the world approaches the brink of destruction. These energies arent for the narcissistic self gratification of a couple , these energies are channels from the divine into the world for evolution.
The most important thing to remember is, no one person with twin flame experiience is THE authority. since i was a kid i have known that we all have one piece of the puzzle on awakening, read what there is and forget it and allow it to define itself NEVER use one or two or ten peoples dogmas or their experiences to define your own. thats how enlightenment works and that IS how TF’s work.
Hey guys – my best friends are reunited Twin Flames, they have been together for over 14 years and each day they love each other more – they are together 24/7. The depth of love and connection between them is incredible to see and what they have shared of their awakening together is deeply remarkable and touching. I feel it deep in my soul.
We have many soul mates and only one twin flame. Most people do not connect with their twin flame in this lifetime. That is a rare. Twin Flames are highly evolved souls. Since were all here for the sake of growing our souls, it is rare that we incarnated at the same time as our Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame is the other half of your soul.
Well, I did connect with mine. Its been a push and pull thing ~ for now. But,it does and can happen. And at this time, we are BOTH going through things regarding our own family, that for the moment are keeping us apart. I KNEW he was my TF when I first saw him in 2006. As he did me. We are in contact though. He is my TF and I long to be with him. My soul mate is my ex husband and we are still very good friends. But the love of my life is my TF.
There is only ONE…You cannot merge with more than one soul like that,it would kill you…
If it is a true twin flame connection however…Most people will not experience this mission,yes mission and union,not a relationship.
Yes,Tyler…You got it right <3
sorry man, maybe where youre at in evolution gives you the codependant one and only one, i have had 5 connections in energy that were at the level of the false twin that activated me to this knowledge. the current one blew my rejection of past life knowledge. You dont have the experience to say there is only one, i have the experience to say thats a limitation imposed by mans mind NOT the spirit.
the first one activated me then rejected it, the second one and i had issues that kept us splitting and merging, and i had issues that fed it, the third one was just powerful energy, fourth was enlightenment of sexual alchemy, fifth was just energy; all at the original twin flames level of energy. Twin flames unlock our awareness of the akashic record, 3 of whom did that with me. I know pretty much all the ground work of what people call reiki without study, tantra, ive gone past kundalini crisis with that inherited knowledge. Also in chakra work, through the course of working into greater surrender into the union you inherently learn to empower and unblock chakras. If you arent floored by realizations in a union and overwhelmed by incredible energies, its not a twin flame.
soul mates are just comfy energies that click, thats it. they have compatibilities and non compatibilities but are there specifically for comfort and base human learning.
soulmates and twin flames are not the same thing however…
Mmm,love the condescending undertone in your comment. I will choose the non-triggered response and leave you to your belief. I know for a fact that if you would be a twin flame,you would know that such a connection/activation and merging of the 5 bodies would not be possible with a multitude of people as you would not be able to stand such energies.
ignorant. were as free spiritually as we are materially, meaning at higher levels of realization we can access more mating possibilities, but if you dont do the work on you it wont present past one false twin and one real twin. If you have grown as much as i have in this realization you realize most flames are simply there for educative reasons . you cant merge to the point of the third aspect of union by having more than one connection. That trhird element of perfect unity simply wont surface under polyamorous conditions.
Whoa! That’s what happened to me with this girl i was trying to help out that just so happened to be a meth addict as well. After a couple months of living with her it seemed like there was some sort of connection between us like wifi for the mind. Funny thing was that she was delusional so one of the times i mentioned it to her she though i was hearing her thoughts because she was God, haha! I never had a physical relationship with her either though I’m guessing if we did the connection would have been even more obvious and/or greater. Then also of course we would have gotten a lot closer and even more attached to each other than we already were
mine spent two years attacking me with black magic based on dark kundalini use, it forced me to a realization of love that deflects her attacks entirely. And ive met others who had meth affiliated activations as non users. looks like the divine is reaching out to all.
This went on for 2 years?! Wow. I only lived with my friend for about 7 months towards the end it got pretty bad we even both got separation anxiety. Before we ended up having to move it was pretty cool though for the most part and i think she even started to like me. I didn’t try to pursue it if she in fact liked me as more than a friend because she wasn’t in the right state of mind and of course she was a meth head. Shes a very good person one of my favorite people i know i still miss her. If i could have kept from moving or if could have brought her where i currently live i would have to try and help her still. One thing to note i think is that when we smoked pot that seemed to connect us more. Same thing happened with our neighbor, another female that happened to be a meth user as well, when i smoked the green with her there was some sort of connection as well. Hell a few times all 3 of us smoked one of those times though it went bad my neighbor went off on my friend she wouldn’t leave her alone it even messed me up. I ended up with a headache! Once she finally left that night we both looked at each other like wtf just happened
Nicely put ;~) I never thought about it b4 but when it’s put like that it does make a lot of sense & I believe it 2b the thruth.
Twin flames/ soul mates are the same thing. And you only have ONE true soulmate, this kind of love is very very rare but with the impending shift the universe is pleading to soulmates to find their other half. This is vital for the restoration of harmony and balance on planet Earth.
I’m married to mine (20 years of happiness)… And, I love him dearly.
Recently, I started sharing energy w/another man. I haven’t seen him in 30 years & barely knew of him in highschool. It is intense… Beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. He knows my dreams, as he is in them & I in his. We know what the other is thinking, feeling, doing. We are healing one another physically, emotionally, sexually & spiritually – all w/o even seeing one another or talking. This is all through chat.
Human guilt has started to creep in. I/we know we cannot physically see one another or even talk on the phone until we understand more about what we r EXACTLY to one another. He doesn’t even know the term Twin Flame… Yet he said, “we r one another’s mirror image”
My gut tells me, if it is supposed to go further, there will come a time when we have to see one another & figure it out. But – I sure would like opinions from anyone w/experience… And, is it possible to be in love w/2 people at the same time?
dont cheat, sacred energy hates deception.whatever you do be honest and forthright, trust that your husband will likely find the same, but do not cheat.
I wouldn’t cheat. I’ve been as honest as I can be – as I know more, we all will. But – even if this other guy is more than a friend… We would not have respect for one another, if either cheated. ??
In my opinion, this is false science aka pseudo science, this is just as reliable as horoscopes, tarot cards, Ouija boards and astrology.
The person responsible for this study is an “astrologist” which is a “pseudo science” and proves my point, everything he says in nonsense and can only be taken as entertainment. Keep in mind the guy who wrote this, Christos Archos IS the head of research in astrology and psychological astrology studies (both are pseudo sciences) at VAF astrological institute. A place you can go to be healed by stone or get a massage is hardly ground breaking in the biology dept.
It is interesting how not one single credible real scientist can verify “twin flames” but scores of pseudoscientists make incredible claims of its validity.
It reminds me of the Harvard study of intercessory prayer, their results were the same as many other experiments held by real scientists in that you stood the same chance of you prayers being answered as you would if you flipped a coin.
All the studies done by real accredited colleges agreed accept one, it was the study done by a religious organization, they claimed prayer repeatedly worked for their study.
Eventually they got caught fibbing due to the fact that the doctors who were real scientists therefore they did not approve of the religious organization lying about the results because it made the real doctors (scientists) look like liars or fake.
If twin flames were a viable hypostasis real scientists would be able to verify it or would have at least heard of twin flames.
Instead it seems only false scientists like paranormal charlatans and low level teachers of non credit college courses simply designed to be entertainment than factual study push “twin flames”.
A good indication of an idea like “twin flames” is false is if it is dependent on mythological ways to Interpret what they are and sure enough that’s the case here.
PSEUDO SCIENCE; is a claim, belief or practice which is falsely presented as scientific, but does not adhere to a valid scientific method, cannot be reliably tested, or otherwise lacks scientific status.
Pseudo science is often characterized by the use of vague, contradictory, exaggerated or un provable claims, an over-reliance on confirmation rather than rigorous attempts at refutation, a lack of openness to evaluation by other experts, and a general absence of systematic processes to rationally develop theories.
Some one once wrote a fictional story to demonstrate how people would believe anything even if you tell them its false many will still believe it.
He wrote a story starting off in the first sentence stating that it was fiction. He continued to write, of a poor child in a third world country that needed a body transplant. He said that the boy was in immediate need of a new body and could not afford one. He wrote that until a body was available for the boy his head was transplanted onto a bag of leaves.
Even thought the guy said in his first sentence that the story was ” fiction,” he received scores of responses asking about the boy and people offering to donate to him. That’s right, some people believed a boys head was transplanted onto a bag of leaves.
That story is just like the ” twin flames story,” its fiction, many would love to believe it and that is why it lives, not because of any truth to it but because sometimes we just run with what we see or read without really thinking about it.
Out of curiosity, do you have to have even met someone online for this to happen, or for the other person’s physical being to even be aware of you? I don’t consider myself delusional, and I am well aware that label can easily get slapped onto someone if their experience isn’t a match for the reality of others or if it unsettles others.
perhaps, those first encounters were soul mates with serious karma. just bc it’s karma, doesn’t mean it’s something bad. the activation, the progress, all that, comes with even failed relationships. nothing is wasted. nothing is good or bad. it’s how you see it. however, twin soul is one other, and not many, as stated by the others here. then again, you are free to see and believe as you wish. i hope this helps 🙂
*also, romantic love isn’t polyamorous. that would be lust. fyi.
i have to agree with this guy above <3 i believe there is only one true twin flame, and you may not even meet it in this lifetime. you might have advanced to a higher dimensional being before you are reunited. maybe what you have experienced is soul mates, as i have met many and the connection is so deeply rooted within, we choose our soul mates and to reincarnate many times with them to fulfill our dharma and work out our karma. at the beginning we split our soul in two and that was the first form of duality for our consciousness. finding your twin flame is the most ultimate of connection where the yin and yang find perfect balance and you finally are able to harmonize truly and see your true being. I hope this clears things up for you love and hopefully you can take it in understanding instead of rejection. light and love to you dear one.
also we are all one so to truly see another is not what i call a twin flame connection just a deep rooted connection to your trueness. you must be highly aware to have these connections <3
belief can pose a very lonely concept with regard to twin flames. the fact is , at levels of awakening to divine self that transcend ego , the idea of limitation increasingly ceases and one realizes that twin flames are a misnomer, the twin flame is a key to the self it points out the reality of divine self and in attainment of such realization one finds the same capacity of energy in most equally attracted persons. One isnt best served believing in one twin flame, thats merely a self imposed limitation based on lack of information.
Omtimes, please stop confusing twin flame unions with soulmates!! Each person has only one true twin flame and it is a spiritual and romantic connection that eclipses anything one can know, and it is monumentally life altering. One can have numerous soulmates and they can be platonic or romantic, but they aren’t twin flames. You help nobody in their spiritual evolutions by muddying the waters with erroneous information, and perpetrating falsehoods.