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Tantra: A Different Breed

Tantra: A Different Breed


Tantra: A Different Breed

by Mike Yap

 tantra_OMTimesTantra is one of the many religions in this world. While some are widely followed, some have less following than the others. Similarly, many sects or studies are considered occult. Tantra is one such genre, where the lack of knowledge and foresight may lead people to believe it is one of the many forms of black magic. Tantra is a form of Indian spiritual study in Eastern culture that has been neglected for ages.

Such predetermined and prejudicial thoughts and feelings have stopped otherwise enthusiastic persons from studying this spiritual science. Many people think that giving Tantra a place in their lives is not worth it, as this science has many obscenities. Many followers of Tantra idolize either Goddess Shakti or Lord Shiva. Before moving any further, first let us see what Tantra actually is.

Tantra is an ancient belief that has been followed since the Vedic ages. In fact, Tantra is one of the most important parts of the Vedic tree. The basic word, Tantra, has been derived from two words namely “tattva” and “mantra.” Tattva is the science of celestial principles. Mantra is the science of various holy pronunciations and mystic sound. Tantra, hence, becomes the application of the celestial principles in order to attain spiritual ascendancy.

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The people or the sages who follow Tantra are called, “Tantrics,” and they worship deity of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti. In Tantra, there is a lot of focus on giving sacrifices. These sacrifices are also called, “balis.” There are many scriptures that deal in Tantra; among them, the primary one is the Atharvaveda.

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