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Change Over Time

Change Over Time


by Joseph V Cassarino

The universe is constantly expanding and expansion is change. Everything in the universe consists of energy; energy in motion and this is change. The concept and theory that everything consists of energy is now proven scientifically by recent discoveries in quantum physics. We now know, everything that exists in the universe is nothing more then energy in motion and the universe and world we perceive as physical is a constant flow of interacting energies in which everything is interconnected and has a purpose.

We may not understand the purpose clearly until we ourselves become more centered, and grounded, through meditation and through other means of connecting with the source, the universe. However, we are learning and discovering the experiences we encounter or perceive to encounter in our physical environment, or experiences that we perceive as negative or detrimental to us at the time, are series of incidents, which are interconnected to other energies designed to help each of us grow. We are also learning, we are all connected, not only to one another, we are connected to every bird, flower, tree, bug, rock, species, and everything else.

We do not always understand or realize as an example, when we have an argument with another person; the argument was part of an organized design, arranged for both parties to experience and to learn from the experience. What we perceive as an argument or possibly as an act of hurt or pain is actually the universe’s way of sending us what we need to grow at this point of our physical time space reality. We are learning, that ones energy affects another’s energy field, and each has a distinct, deep purpose way beyond our perceived physical sense. We are discovering there are other dimensions and other layers to perceived actions and thoughts and this is where it begins to become interesting.

The conditioning of our life experience often flaws our perception. What that means, is everything we were taught or told or experienced in the past, often becomes our reference point, which we become conditioned to. Therefore, we believe this is the only way to act, behave or think. We do not realize, there is another reality, another viewpoint, and another perspective until we open our minds to the laws of the universe and it’s infinite wisdom, which is far beyond our conditioned mind.

The law of attraction, a law of the universe describes the universal law of gratitude. Recently, in my own life experience I had a series of events, which caused me to lose everything in my life, or so I thought. However, after I changed my perception and lifestyle by connecting to nature, by surrounding myself in nature daily and by meditating and connecting to the source, the universe, and after I studied the laws of attraction, that is when I came to realize something profound and something many like-minded people already know; I learned another law of the universe:

When you have gratitude in your life for what you already have now; that is when everything shifts for you.

It is then that the universe gives you more of what you want or need. I discovered that you do not receive what you want or need until you have gratitude for what you have today, even if what you have today is minute according to your perception. This is simply how the universe works. It is written in almost every self-help book and described by world-renowned authors like Ester Hicks, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. John Demartini, Ram Dass and other highly educated and spiritually connected people. Through my journey and through my recent perceived losses, I discovered that we somehow often think we are being cheated in life or that we deserve more out of life. However, we fail to realize that every experience, every interaction, every perceived defeat turns out to be our biggest teacher, friend or gift. I also recently discovered, that it is usually those who explore and study the laws of the universe who grow faster spiritually or who evolve emotionally.

I know for myself, experiencing a divorce was perhaps the most painful and traumatic experience I ever experienced even after losing other family members through death. I guess that is because I loved my ex-wife, our family and the concept of overcoming any obstacle a typical marriage encounters. In my reality, I had hoped to be married until I die and my family could share life’s events as a family. However, an unexpected divorce shattered my dream and at first caused me to feel pain and suffering. It was not until I studied the laws of the universe in depth that I became aware I have the power of the source at my disposal anytime I need by meditating and by connecting to the source, which knows better than me.

The universe has a magnificent plan for me, which I could have never imagined. I had to experience the divorce I once believed was a terrible thing. It turns out, what I thought was a terrible thing allowed me to grow the most. It turns out; my being conditioned to how I thought life was supposed to be is what caused my pain. Today, through meditation and by connecting to nature and the source I have come to understand, life is nothing more then a series of experiences in a perceived, physical time space reality. I read recently, The physical world we know is a subset of the non-physical. What we can sense with our physical senses is therefore created by that which we can only perceive with our inner senses. What this means is that the energy that composes our physical world is created and maintained by energy, which is non-physical.

The physical world cannot exist without the originating non-physical energy and probability waveform of information that collapses to become the physical energy manifestation our physical senses can perceive. However, the non-physical does not need the physical to exist. We do not need to understand the scientific theories behind any of this. However, we do need to understand there are divine – intelligent forces to everything in existence and the experiences we perceive as hurtful at the moment are necessary events for our growth. I have always said, one can look at the glass and view it half-empty and another can look at the same glass and view it as half full. It’s all a matter of perception and when you realize that, you can begin to view any event as a positive event as opposed to a negative event. You can also deduce that change over time is not only normal, change is good because we will learn from each event no matter how we perceive it at the time.

See Also

Nothing from the atom to a snowflake to a single cell lack geometry or what I call, intelligent design.

When you ponder how many trillions or centillion of atoms, snowflakes or cells exist, it makes you think, how is each one created geometrically? How is everything we perceive or we see and analyze a geometric design and after it expires, where does it go. I am discovering, it’s all energy and it changes form. Science has also taught us, from the farthest reaches of the cosmos to the atomic structure of a single cell within the body, the same laws of form and mathematics apply. The secret to life is in these forms and numbers. So by studying a simple flower, we can learn the basis of all life everywhere. Geometric design is the building block to everything, which to me proves something far more intelligent then us in our perceived, physical bodies exist.

Everything is in motion, everything changes and what we often perceive as a terrible event in our physical life is actually a necessary event to help us grow, expand and open our mind to the wonders of the universe.

By discovering, by learning and by understanding basic laws of the universe. By discovering change is inevitable and that tapping into the source and allowing myself to open up to the non-physical, I have come to realize and understand, everything that happens in the physical sense is perfect and exactly as it should be. I have come to realize, I do not need to fully understand the reason an event happened if I perceive the event as negative in the moment. However, I need to meditate, I need to clear and free my mind of the chatter and of the conditioning my mind uses as a reference point and I need to tap into the higher power of the source which is energy. Some call energy love. I like that description and choose to believe energy is love. No matter what you call it, energy or love, it is always changing and change over time apparently is a good thing.

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About the Author

Joseph V Cassarino – CHANGE OVER TIME is the theme and title of a new divorce workshop series and book currently being written by Joseph V Cassarino. How to overcome pain of divorce is the premise of the book. Joseph’s workshop series entitled: TRANSFORMATION After Divorce or Break Up are available in the New York – Tri State region before heading on a national tour. A private, international coaching service is also available for those who desire private assistance overcoming divorce pain. Additional information can be found by visiting:

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