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One’s Own, Unique Voice

One’s Own, Unique Voice


Let us take time to consider our own, unique voice, shall we?

Finding one’s voice can be an interesting process. We may not think of it as such, but from the time we are mere infants, we are encouraged to do just that. Consider that, from the time we take our first breath as we are born, we spend this lifetime finding the best way to use our voice.

The air element alone is a clue—a major player in being able to emit sound and live the vibration we are meant to have. There are many people who cannot speak at all or who make very limited sound, which also tells us of the importance of finding and using our voice. The development of our facilities for speech and language is considered a primary point of connection in order to adequately manage one’s way through life.

In almost every culture, around the world, the ability to adequately assert one’s unique vibration and get one’s point across through communication changes, over time. We begin by babbling and cooing, and progress to what many call ‘coherent’ speech. Our means by which we convey our messages also varies over time.

Taking a look at coherence for just a moment, we can deduce that each of us is not only given a unique gift of speech, we may consider it our duty to use this gift of speech wisely, in ways that enhance and promote the vibrations in our world and of those around us. This sense of responsible duty comes into play in many ways when we are actively mindful of how we apply ourselves and interact using our voice.

We are encouraged to use the right words, to speak in ways that others may understand us, and to not hurt others by the way we talk. Although we may be able to yell and bring attention, we find that is best to use our ‘inside voice’ when modulating our vibration and getting our point across. We may yell if we have to, and use projection to reach a wider audience clearly.

How far that vibration extends can also be an important piece to examine. Many of us are gifted with a varying range of voice. On the low end, this can mean the whispers and sounds we make when we are up close to another–perhaps those of whom we are most fond, closest to, or care about. We whisper in the ear, speak in tones that are loving and tender, and can convey our love in solemn, reverential, and quiet ways.

On the grander end of the spectrum, when we have something of more urgency to impart, we may choose to use our voice forcefully, imparting our expectations, our intentions, and our messages in ways that can tell an audience, in a room of almost any size, precisely what we mean. From a classroom, to an auditorium, to a stadium or arena full of others like us, we may be called upon to convey our vibrational coherence, utilizing language, conveying energetic meaning to others.

It can be a big deal, getting one’s point across. The process can be frustrating to some of us who feel we lack the means or skill by which to speak and communicate effectively. Much of it may come down to the words we use, but the process of using our voice, in and of itself, is the means by which we might fare in life. Our hearts long to intercept the vibration of others, and without a voice, we may feel disconnected and unfelt—not just unheard.

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Perhaps this awareness may help us attempt to understand how others might feel when they cannot utilize their voice. It makes our own ‘gift of gab’ that much more important, and may encourage us to use it to the best of our ability. It may also, as many advocates come to learn, be a means by which we can help others as we travel down our road in life. Lending our voice to those who may need it most, who maybe cannot speak for themselves, can be an effective way to help relieve suffering and make connections happen between “people” points in our overall web of vibration.

We may not always take time to consider how we emit sound, or how we might come across to others. We have to take time to ‘listen to ourselves’ sometimes, so that we might realize that what we say and how we are coming across can be two different things. Finding vocal and vibrational unity and harmony among a group can be difficult, but it is not impossible; choirs and orchestras do it all the time.

It is with great appreciation of, and gratitude to, the elements of air and fire that we have the ability to engage in mindful speech, as a means by which to help each other and raise our collective humanity.

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