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Secrets of the Shroud: The First Icon

Secrets of the Shroud: The First Icon



The Lost Secrets of Mary Magdalene’s Ascension

Secrets of the Shroud: The First Icon

Secrets_Shroud-of-Turin_GaiamTV_OMTimesThe Shroud of Turin is the most mysterious relic in all of human history. More than just a relic, it is a holy icon written in the blood of Christ. Many believe that it holds the true face of Jesus and points the way to ascension. Clare and William Henry examine the history and authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, suggesting that it is truly the first icon of transfiguration.

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About Arcanum

Arcanum means the great secret; to contain or conceal sensational ancient esoteric knowledge. These deep, dark secrets about the light and mystical knowledge bring immense power, and peace, to those who can decode it. Join William and Clare Henry as they explore these hidden mysteries and bring much-needed light to ancient, uncovered secrets.

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While great works of art have been admired and studied for centuries, only a few individuals know the secrets that they conceal. Clare and William Henry explore beyond the composition of these works to discover their hidden mysteries. What they find is the Arcanum: esoteric secrets about human potential and modern sciences.

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