It Is Impossible to be Christ-like and Kill People
by Nancy Oakes
Four Worlds Ago, Everything was Free!
So many of us seek to be Christ-like in our existence. My people, the Cherokee speak of a time “Four Worlds” ago when humankind lived in abundance. There was no such thing as money; there was no need for it because everything was free. My grandmother was born in the most beautiful paradise called the Great Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. Early in the spring each year after the last snow, the wing creators signaled it was time to plant vegetables. When Father Sun warmed the earth the people would begin to break the ground. Seeds were especially protected and honored, a great and magnificent gift given to the people, from the Great Mother.
All was considered sacred, the water, the animals, the plants and human life. Everyone was grateful and lived in a peaceful lifestyle in thriving communities. From the beginning of creation the Cherokee were assigned to be caretakers of the Great Smokey Mountains. The mountain people did not hunt buffalo as the plains people, but hunted small game-which was plentiful. The people were aware of others who lived far away across the mountains for at one time they had all arrived together from other star systems. The Cherokee were peace loving, family oriented, gardeners and hunters who opposed warring, held women in high esteem and considered Third Gender and Two Spirits as an important and honored addition to the community. The Cherokee first people operated within a democracy, lived in houses and supported a thriving community.
The English Brought Their God – A Promise to Help the First People
The English arrived, and life became very hard for the first people. The English brought with them a new God-a masculine one that could punish greatly, and had many rules that had to be obeyed. This newest arrivals said, “The people we have discovered living on this land are heathen and pagan. They also worship the sun, the moon, the earth, and a so-called Great Mother of all living things; they must be civilized and converted to a better way of life. Therefore the English took the land, destroyed the communities, and any who would not convert to the new God religion was killed. In fact the first people said the English do not even try to communicate, and could not be trusted to keep their word and killed women and children. Many of the elders, medicine people, wizards, magical people, healers and teachers, those the people knew as Two Spirits were burned at the stake, or murdered. The first people who did survive were left without their spiritual advisors, with no one to lead them. Many had to live the old ways in secrecy and many of the “Two Spirits” lost their connection to their life purpose thus becoming wanderers, loners, and having no community to align with. Some were even ridiculed by their own people who had now succumbed to the new God and who declared that Two Spirits were evil, devil possessed and therefore they would be punished for eternity in a fiery hell. Soon their peaceful lifestyle and their paradise was gone as the people who brought the new God took everything. But deep within the hearts of the first people and safety preserved, was the remembrance of the old ways and the traditions of the people.
We were not destined to be born on this little blue planet as enslaved workers to the rich and powerful authority, and lose our purpose of life. Are you the next oppressed Native American?
For thousands of years the story of how the first people arrived has not changed and is repeated by many tribes and bands including the Hopi, known as “The Wisdom Keepers,” Many more like the Great Lakota with powerful medicine people are sharing ancient prophecies with the people-native and non-native, as the Great Mother warns of possible destruction for humankind. The first people are the balance and harmony holders on the planet as was explained to me by my grandmother. Some would think they were all eliminated by colonization, but that is not true, the Great Mother would not let that happen. Although some have been deceived and have lost the connection to nature and the original creation story, many more are beginning to understand we cannot continue to destroy the earth and each other. It is time for a change-time to share the old ways, led by ancient wisdom.
A Sign of Awakening Holistic and Organic Lifestyle
The recent interest in the holistic life style, and all things organic, as the elders say, is a sign that many people are waking up and setting themselves free from the bondage of the “Masters” of the planet. Furthermore, millions of people are realizing that the old paradigms of the past, the patriarchal religions, which punished oppressed and killed innocent human beings specifically based on sexual orientation, gender, or skin color has no place in the new world. The indigenous people had it right from the beginning: It has nothing to do with religion, it is about thriving communities, ones connection with nature, spiritually, and with each other and finally working together to protect and be caretakers of our paradise, and each other. The elders say, “There will come a time when knowing when and how to plant a garden will be great medicine.”
Christ nor God Did It!
It is not Christ’s fault and certainly not God’s regarding the carnage in humanities past history. Certain people just used those names to seal their evil deeds. Jesus said, “Love they Neighbor.” Millions who are awake are saying- Children must not starve, women should not be sold as sex slaves, and Third Gender should be an addition to our community and welcome on this planet. The old religions, the powerful elite authority did not take care of the innocent, the under privileged, sick, or indigenous people, but caused separation, discrimination, and genocide. We have evolved to a higher vibration, a higher consciousness capable of doing the right thing and we recognize killing other human beings is not Christ-like and will not be accepted, or tolerated in the new era. Therefore any organization that promotes hate, or any person who hates another human being so much that they lose their compassion and love is to be recognized as out of balance with the new vibration of the universe. We cannot go into the new era dragging the old stuff with us, the message to those who have AWAKENED is:
When our hearts are filled with love and humankind embraces all sacred creation and each other we will have witnessed the shift in consciousness and the arrival in the new world “The FIFTH WORLD” together to rebuild paradise.
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About the Author
Nancy is the CEO of the “Spiritual Life Style Wellness Center.” She is a member of the Free Cherokee, and an adopted member of the United Lenape Band. Nancy is currently involved in the study of psychology, and cultural anthropology. Her first book is available on The Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe. Nancy is an ally for the “Third Gender” LGBT communities. When our hearts are filled with love and we embrace all sacred creation humanity will witness the shift to a higher consciousness, and arrive in the New World. You can contact her at:,,
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