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9 Things You Realize After You Die

9 Things You Realize After You Die

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Are you curious about what happens to you after you die?

9 Things You Realize After You Die that You Didn’t Know When You Were Alive



Three weeks after he died, my brother, Billy, woke me at sunrise and began describing what was happening to him in the afterlife. At first, I thought that grief was causing me to imagine his voice. But as my brother began sharing cosmic secrets with me, secrets I couldn’t ignore, I became his student.

Billy taught me that when you’re born, that big pop gives you a kind of amnesia. One of the main things we’re doing on planet earth is trying to remember the things we forgot. But after you die, you realize a bunch of things you didn’t know when you were alive, like:

1. Life on earth isn’t a punishment for your past transgressions.  You aren’t acting out some type of I-did-something-wrong-to-you-in-another-life-and-I’m-paying-for-it-now kind of thing. It doesn’t really work like that. That concept of an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth karmic equalizing of the score isn’t the real deal.

2. You chose your life circumstances before you were born for soul-type reasons that are almost impossible to understand while you’re on earth. If you understood these reasons, life would lose some of its punch, and that loss of punch is a little bit of what enlightenment is all about.

3. Everything changes. When you die, you realize how much. You also realize there are immortal things, things you take with you, and they change too. The Eastern concept of Maya, or illusion, what does that really mean? It means temporary.

4. Life is great, even the hard parts. And we all do things that we call mistakes. But so-called mistakes are ok. They’re just part of the earth deal.

5. You’re meant to engage in all kinds of things on earth, things that may not make sense from a human point of view. So, take a moment before you judge yourself or your fellow man too harshly. Being completely non-judgmental while you’re alive is very advanced, though. You’d have to be a Buddha to be that advanced.

6. There isn’t only one right way for things to turn out. Some endings are happier, some not so happy, but it’s not just the happiness percentage that matters. It’s the music of it.

7. Society teaches limitation. No matter what you’ve been taught, everything you ever need is already inside you. And who you really are is far beyond your comprehension. That’s why living squeezed into the human experience can be painful at times.

8. At the center of everything is an energy, an immaterial material called LOVE. Wow, and how good it feels, this LOVE. You can’t imagine it. You really can’t. There is no way for you to experience the full power of LOVE while you’re on this plane. .

See Also

9. Death isn’t as serious as you think it is. It’s actually very enjoyable. Couldn’t be better really. And saying goodbye to the people you love isn’t as serious as it seems either, because you will meet again.

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About the Author

When she was sixteen, Annie Kagan was signed by a producer from Columbia Records. After 10 years of performing her songs in New York City clubs, Annie returned to college and became a chiropractor with a private practice in Manhattan. When her brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, her future took a surprising turn. She recorded her conversations with Billy from the other side and published them in her debut book The Afterlife of Billy Fingers.

View Comments (14)
  • I read the book.Billy didn’t add to list that he was an arrogant ,womanizer,con artist,selfish drug addict/user that never apologized to his mother/family/friends whom he caused YEARS of grief. It seems Annie is only doing what she has always done which is enabling,excusing and protecting her brother.It is appalling that this book is believed by those that haven’t had their own paranormal experiences and relying on people like Annie Kagan for the truth.I have lived in 2 haunted homes,had visits from family/friends after they passed away as well as OBE and premonitions. I call BULLsh*t on this book!

  • Because your consciousness ceases when you die and you don’t realize anything. And your consciousness doesn’t exist before you are conceived, either, so you can’t “choose” your parents or your life.

    This is just a bunch of sophistry that is 1) impossible, 2) blames the victim of an unpleasant life (who would choose a life in which they died of starvation as a toddler?) and 3) guarantees that those who believe it spend their lives feeling helplessly trapped by the predestination of their lives rather than empowered to change it.

    It is a complete crock.

  • well you might be SO surprised when you die.
    A lot off us know that consciousness exist before and aften this life on earth. Life and consciousness are for ever.

  • I’m surprised that someone with your viewpoint would even be on this forum. It’s all the human experience. How would we know great joy without misery? I struggle with understanding but I do believe in a hereafter and I no longer fear death.

  • my dad was an alcoholic and womanizer , he died in 2001. One time I was driving from Ashland Oregon to Mt. Shasta by myself…It was a stunningly beautiful overpass with lush mountainous range I was driving on a bridge over a gorgeous river, I felt like I was in a postcard . My Dad out of nowhere said to me “this is what it looks like where I am , I am fishing in heaven”… Annie’s book is striking a cord with people in such a profound way , and I confirming for people their own paranormal experiences … Sad for those who can’t see the gift and beauty and thousands of emails from grieving people who have found comfort through her personal story…

  • I am at peace myself and wish it for others..I am appalled that others are being given the wrong info and may not be aware of it as they may be new to this field ,never had any experiences themselves and depend on others honesty that claim they have had them.The book has obvious red flags that indicate anything but Billy’s “enlightenment”.Billy has the audacity to even say he was put into the world to be a drug addict /dealer.You really believe God put him on this Earth to be a drug addict? Oh so I am suppose to say I love the book or I am passing “judgement”? I am suppose to give a flowery mamby pamby lukewarm wishy washy comment that it is fine if this goes against true enlightenment , spirituality and the teaching of Jesus? Remember what Jesus did when merchants were selling at the temple? Did he say it was fine and wasn’t angered?

  • I believe the book is a crock too,it is not accurate.People do have souls .We are not bodies with a soul,we are souls with a very temporary body.

  • What Billy forgot to add to this list, and I’m surprised Annie didn’t call him on it, is that when you “die” it is only your physical body that dies. That which is YOU continues to live.
    All of that time throughout the entire book, he was talking about “when you’re dead” and all that time he was very much ALIVE, only in another state of consciousness and being. That’s something he ‘forgot’ to mention.

  • Thank you for pointing out another “red flag” in regards to the authenticity of this book. I have actually had encounters and conversations with spirits. I spoke to the sister of my b/f,I had never met because she died at age 21 in 1972. She was brought to me by my b/f’s stepson who was killed a few weeks before. She looked so solid and vibrant ,I thought she was really a living person.When I said to her “You are here ,I been told you are dead” She said”I have NEVER been dead! I have ALWAYS been alive!” To say to them it is a ridiculous statement just as if a person removes their clothing do we run to the clothing claiming the person is dead? It is the same as the “clothing” is our bodies and the real us is our soul.

  • When you die its a beautiful feeling you cant say no to death! If you have nothing else to do on this Earth you can just say yes! I beg for my life to God because i just gave birth to my 2nd daughter and i told Him i dont wanna die! And He ask me why why why echoing all over the sky! I have to explain that nobody will gonna take care of my baby and please let me take care of her! Then out of the blue i was in front of the gate and Blessed Virgin Mary said that its not time for me to die so i have to go back right away. Then i was zooming back in a phenominal rate of speed in a long long tunnel back to my critical room in Hialeah hospital in Florida. I woke up with my eyes up staring at the rays of sun behind me. My doctor said i had a hemmorrhage.

  • I agree with you wholeheartedly Sweet Violet . A complete crock. I do not fear death. I welcome the cessation of feeling, memory, the lot! What is wrong with humans that they cannot accept their transience and insignificance in the universe? We are born – we – we die. Just as any other animal. Your life story is contained between the covers and when you shut the book that is IT! Literally end of the story. IF others (the living) choose to remember your story -that is fine, but you are not.

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