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Relaxing the Body & Mind With Meditation

Relaxing the Body & Mind With Meditation


If you choose to become more aware of your soul’s inner-guidance, then it’s important that you learn to relax the body as well as the mind. When the body is in a state of calmness, the mind will become still. It’s in this state of total relaxation that clarity can be found, as well as a stronger connection with your soul.

Meditation is one of the key tools that will help you integrate your body, mind, and soul to become centered and grounded. This will promote a state of balance. You will feel more capable of dealing with your busy schedule, and over time, meditation will alleviate some of the tensions that you may be holding inside your body. Once these tensions are released, it’s often the case that associated minor ailments may disappear as well.

The body and the mind are in a state of constant interaction. The process of blending your body and mind, using the art of meditation, will ultimately make it difficult to differentiate the two. In other words, you’ll have reached a state of oneness.

When you achieve this state, you’ll be free to explore more of your soul and discover a deeper understanding of your true self. The more you connect with your soul, the more you’re likely to remember your divine nature. You’ll discover who you really are, and realize that you’re always connected to the universal energies that are always present to both help and guide you.

I want to encourage you once again to start meditating as much as possible in the same place and at the same time every day. By doing so, you’ll increase the peaceful energy vibrations within and around your space. These will continue to build up over time, so that when you walk back in, you’ll feel that positive energy and it will become easier and quicker to enter a state of relaxation and meditation.

John’s Lesson

This week, try the following meditation exercise: I want you to close your eyes and just simply focus on your breath. Take your time. With each breath in, it will bring more and more relaxation, and with each exhalation, I want you to let go of all stresses and tension. Try this for five minutes, focusing on the regular rhythm of your breathing. You’ll become increasingly relaxed with each breath.

Just let it happen. Let it all go and relax. If your mind starts to wander, just focus back on your breath. If thoughts come in, acknowledge them and watch them as they leave again. Notice how it feels to be completely relaxed. Continue to focus on your breath, while you let the mind chatter slow down and evaporate.

Now, in your mind’s eye, which is located between your eyebrows (known as “The Third Eye”) I want you to imagine a symbol of your choosing. It can be a flower, a religious figure or icon, a single word, or whatever is pleasing to you. Make it your own special symbol that you use every time you meditate.

At this point, just focus without straining on your chosen symbol. Good, now slowly inhale using your breath, but this time bring your awareness up to your Third Eye as you focus on your symbol. It’s almost as if you’re breathing in and out through this center. Do this for another five minutes. If your mind wanders, return your focus back to the breath and your symbol. This will then bring you back.

During this relaxed state, it’s a perfect time to ask your higher-self for an answer to a specific question. You may get the answer in any number of ways. You may see an image, a scene, or beautiful colors. Equally, your spirit guides may make themselves known to you.

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The answer may not be immediate and sometimes it may come to you a few days later. Alternatively, you may be at the right place at the right time to receive your answer immediately. After about 15 minutes, wriggle your fingers as you bring your awareness back to your body and start to bring yourself back so that you become aware of the room around you. Remain seated for a moment and allow your consciousness to fully absorb your meditation, so you remember how calm you felt now that you’ve achieved the process of stilling the mind. In this peaceful state, anything is possible!

Have a SOUL filled week!

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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