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Heal with the Help of the 12 Archangels

Heal with the Help of the 12 Archangels


Deepest Healing with the Help of the 12 Archangels

God created 12 Archangels from the Center of the Universe to serve as Celestial Mentors to help guide humanity. These 12 Archangels are loving forces in our lives that encourage us to understand and respect that we are far more than insatiable egos craving instant manifestation of all we desire. Their mission is to empower us to reclaim our birthright to experiencing Heaven’s (a vibration of pure unconditional LOVE) abundance here in our mundane lives and evolve into happier human Beings. They say that reclaiming our divinity, our ability to receive from Divine Source, is a process that is profoundly supported by transforming the deepest layers of the subconscious, the storage warehouse for our oldest hurts and disappointments.

To understand the importance of healing our depths, the Angels ask us to imagine ourselves as a life-size treasure chest. This chest carries our memories of disappointment and suffering from this life, as well as lives past, mixed in with the emotional loss of our ancestors and then bound together with the deceiving expectation that the past will continue to repeat throughout our lives. All of these lower vibration emotions and beliefs work to keep us stuck in perpetual limitation. Yet, while the treasure chest holds locked up hurt and patterns of self-protection, it also stores our Divine inheritance. Hidden inside countless layers of sediment of long ago memories, fractured emotions and limiting beliefs, are jewels of a value that are beyond our ability to fathom. Having the willingness to heal opens us to receive this magnificent inheritance!

One of our most life-changing gifts that comes with doing the work of deepest healing is to gain access to the infinite knowledge of the 12 Archangels. We connect with this profound knowing when we fully remember that we carry Their wisdom and support with us into each incarnation. Their Energy invokes clear “aha” moments of seeing the lies of whom we believed ourselves to be, and when we wake up to a new realization of our potential, we move forward in our spiritual evolution. As we awaken to our divinity, our outer reality changes for the better, and new opportunities appear in our daily lives that actually come to full fruition for us! Claiming our riches while transforming the old sediment into gifts of forgiveness and understanding is an opportunity to change our selves and our world for the better.

The 12 Archangels offer a simple yet profound method for transforming our lead into gold. They give us powerful and gentle guided imagery exercises that ask us to imagine beautiful colors. By activating our creative imagination and engaging our minds in healing intention, the 12 Archangels, together with our Guardian Angels and Teachers in Heaven*(Heaven is a place and space where fear connect exist and cannot contaminate the greatest Power of LOVE), are able to assist us in experiencing miracles of great and potent transformation. Before we step into the lesson on how to do this amazing, super penetrating healing technique, let me share with you some of the positive benefits of making the personal and life-long commitment to doing this joyful work.


Positive Benefits of the Deepest Healing Process

The 12 Archangels and all of the other Angels called to serve humanity encourage us to allow Them to assist us on a daily basis. We are here on Planet Earth to learn and to evolve, and it is Their job to support us on our continual discovery of our Divinity (and the higher Power and opportunities this brings us). Having been a scientist before being called into the service of the Angels 25 years ago, I have witnessed the tangible results this healing process delivers.


Here is what you can expect to change with your on-going practice of deepest healing with the 12 Archangels:

*   Greater ease and comfort in being in your body.

*   Longer lasting feelings of happiness and positive mood/frame of mind.

*   Improved sense of self-esteem and personal power.

*   Faster access to self-awareness and to awareness of your emotional triggers that are ready for forgiveness and transformation.

*   Increased stamina when it comes to being patient and compassionate with others and with self.

*   More reliable access to your own intuitive problem solving ability for self and others.

*   A feeling of increased intelligence and creative flow.

*   Easier manifesting and receiving of abundance (love, money, health, creativity, opportunity and success).

Although these changes may begin as a subtle sense of feeling protected, keep up the efforts and watch as your life shifts into the higher and clearer vibration of being in Heaven on Earth. Heaven’s vibration offers a way of living where fear, anxiety, doubt and suffering no longer steal our freedom or our joy away from us. The speed of experiencing the benefits is dependent on what we need most to learn in this incarnation. If it is a critical lesson, then it is likely we will be asked to sift through many layers of the old story in order to realize the ultimate feeling of liberation. As we embark on our healing journey, the Angels ask us to embrace and stay aware that transforming the hurt in the deep subconscious is a continuous process. With each layer of silt we remove from our treasure chest, we uncover more jewels of our divinity. We also make room to receive greater abundance. The 12 Archangels ask us to understand that we must do the work of deepest healing in order to step into our Power as Divine Beings. 


The Deepest Healing Process

To begin the process, we need the healing energies of two chakras, the crown and the throat chakras. Chakras are batteries of spiritual power located within our spiritual or etheric body. We can think of the spiritual body as the protective energy field that surrounds the physical, mental and emotional bodies or aspects of self. We activate the powers of the chakras through intention and visualization. When the 12 Archangels see us activate these energies by imagining the colors, They fuse Their Energy with our own, which facilitates greater penetration into the depths of the memories stored within the DNA of our cells. The crown chakra, located around the top of the head, holds the healing energy of forgiveness and transformation. It is activated by imagining the color purple or by visualizing a rich violet flame. The other chakra energy needed is found within the Will (throat) chakra, located in the throat area. To activate the healing energy of strength, courage, surrender and awareness in the Will chakra, we need to visualize the color sapphire blue. This royal blue may also be seen in our inner Eye as a light or as a flame.

See Also


Guided Imagery Exercise: Treasure Chest

See a life-size treasure chest on the shore of a lovely beach. The Angels have placed a star of Sapphire Blue Flame in your right pocket and a star of Violet in your left pocket. Reach into your pockets and pull out the stars. Touch the stars to your heart and drop them into the treasure chest. Then say, ”I choose to remember.” 

Take a deep breath and feel the heavy feelings of disappointment and sorrow as they rise from deep within your cells. Say, “I choose to give this loss back to the Universe.” Ask the 12 Archangels to fill your treasure chest with Divine Love. Feel the Divine Love filling every cell of your body. Say, “I AM grateful for God’s abundance that is flowing to me.”

Return your focus to the treasure chest. Reach in and pull out the jewels that you discover. Hold each jewel to your heart and say, “I invite you, gift of God, to activate now.” Listen, feel and discover.

Make sure to give thanks to God, the Angels and to yourself for all the gifts that become a part of your consciousness and for the material abundance and happiness that manifests for you.


Other tools that I use to help facilitate healing of the deep subconscious in myself and others include, asking for a dream that reveals an old story that continues to limit our receiving abundance, asking to see a past life that continues to repeat emotional struggle or discomfort today, or asking the shadow self to give us a gift of insight. The most important point to remember is we need to stay on the journey of healing. Angels surround us, nudging us to dig deeper into our selves, and to discover more of our divinity every day.

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