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Tulku Lobsang – The Wisdom Sword

Tulku Lobsang – The Wisdom Sword

Tulku Lobsang: The Wisdom Sword

Interview by Jill Virginia Mangino

Tulku-Lobsang_OMTimesTulku Lobsang is a man that truly bridges worlds. As a Buddhist Tantrayana master, doctor of Tibetan Medicine & Astrology and founder of Nangten Menlang Buddhist Medical Organization, he travels throughout the world sharing the Tibetan healing wisdom and methods.

Born in Amdo, Tibet, he was recognized as the 8th incarnation of the Nyentse Lama and was enthroned as a tulku at age 13, receiving the traditional, intensive training. Today, his charismatic and direct teaching style has enabled him to touch the hearts of many. He offers retreats, certifications, books and DVDs to spread the Tibetan Buddhist healing wisdom. His special focus is on the Tantrayana practices that refine the body’s energetic system to purify the mind.

Exclusive Interview with Tulku Lobsang

JILL MANGINO: What does your title Tulku mean?

Tulku Lobsang: A tulku is a “recognized reincarnated Lama.” In Buddhism we believe we all reincarnate, so why are reincarnated Lamas perceived as special? It is because they reincarnate consciously. Most people don’t have a choice. A tulku has more highly-trained awareness, so it is possible to choose how they return. Most people reincarnate without awareness.

How does our soul choose the next life? Nothing happens without a reason. Sometimes people are born for karmic reasons. Karma creates an imprint in your life, and these imprints influence your next lifetime.

JILL MANGINO: How do we break the cycle of rebirth?

Tulku Lobsang: To do this, we need to liberate our selfishness and self-grasping. You see, we always have action. Actions become karma. Karma herself is just energy, but the consciousness or mind records this energy.

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Therefore, all actions—verbal, physical, and mental action—create an imprint and influence our karma. If we are engaging in negative behaviors or mental actions, such as negative emotions like anger or jealousy, then this creates a negative karmic imprint. Karma really means you are still not free. Karma creates an imprint on our consciousness and this means we are not free.

Practicing compassion and love is a very good start for breaking this cycle. Love will destroy self-grasping. We need to understand that at the level of the mind, at the level of karma, what you give is what you receive. It is not like physical law, that once you give something it is gone. No, it is the opposite! Whatever you give, you receive. So give love.

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