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The Astral Revelation

The Astral Revelation


The word astral has mystical connotations attached to it. It signifies other worldly, something surreal, or something magnetic, powerful, and enigmatic. What is the mystery and how can one get there?

The revelation is that it is actually far from other worldly as it is part of every soul’s aura! One needs to first understand the aura and what it encapsulates. There are four subtle bodies or layers around the physical body, which creates the auric body system, also known as the aura.


The Extra-Physical Bodies

First Layer – The Etheric Body

This layer is the closest energy body to the physical body. It comprises what is made evident through Kirlian photography. The etheric body extends one quarter to two inches beyond the physical body and pulsates at about 15-20 cycles per minute. The entire body, including organs, can be perceived, but it is made of a bluish (emotional) or gray light (highly active).

Second Layer – The Astral Level

This layer is the true bridge to the spiritual plane! When we start to work with this plane and above, our perception and abilities leap from the physical to the subtle. Here, we will begin to perceive energies that are not of this vibrational frequency. The body of the astral is composed of gorgeous clouds of color, which extend six inches or one foot from the body. Not only does it have the same colors of the rainbow like the emotional body, but a pink or rose hue is often present with these colors, especially if the person is a loving individual. The astral plane is also called the emotional plane, which ties it strongly to the heart chakra. Since it is so closely tied to the emotions, when people fall in love, great hues of pink can be seen shooting from their heart chakra. This is also why when we are in the astral, our emotions are greatly enhanced either way.


Third Layer – The Causal Body

The causal body is most important body to take control of. It is based on the psychic impressions. How one is feeling emotionally, how one reacts differently, the living standard, financial status, etc. is caused by one’s causal body. All the karmas are stored in the causal body, which creates one’s vision and personality.


Fourth Layer – The Celestial Body

This is the spiritual emotional plane where a person will feel things such as bliss and spiritual ecstasy. When we reach the place of divine love and interconnectedness, which is generally attained through deep meditation, we are touching on this plane, and it is felt through our celestial body. When we raise our level of awareness or consciousness to this level of the aura, we have allowed a connection to happen from the heart chakra and the celestial chakra. Through this, we can love not only our fellow man (the heart chakra), but do so with divine love (celestial chakra). The colors of this body are very soft pastel in nature and glow softly from the body.


How to Astral Travel

Coming back to the point of astral travel, how does one move out into the astral plane? Moving into the astral world can happen in two ways: one is conscious projection and other is unconscious projection. During a conscious astral projection, one prepares oneself for the travel. Preparation can be done by lying down in a restful sleep position and creatively visualizing expansion of the third eye chakra, which is the doorway to the higher world. By focusing on the third eye chakra and feeling the two petals of the chakra unfolding, expanding and energizing, an individual can begin the process of conscious astral travel. As the dream body or astral body receptively enters the third eye opening, it moves out into the astral plane, so that one can fly around like a Spiderman without the web.

The speed in the astral plane is similar to the speed of light; you can just float wherever you wish to. It’s a fantastic and exhilarating journey, so fast and so light. As one may say, “you just feel so free.” In addition, there many other ways to achieve this mystical plane. Ask your guides and higher self to guide you to the one that resonates with your soul. You will get on the flight effortlessly! In conscious projection, you can actually order your mind to go wherever you desire.

See Also

The second way to astral travel is unconscious projection. This happens most often during a dream state or when you are meditating, and you enter the turiya state or the delta state where your subconscious mind takes over, and you let loose as you unconsciously fly away. The journey on the other side is breathtaking, heavenly and picture perfect. During your travels, you might just encounter light beings, ascended souls, angels and other astral travelers too. Many souls love to astral travel since it gives them a huge sense of liberation and freedom from the earthly bounds.

The best part of astral traveling is you can just about travel to any part of the universe within seconds! All you have to do is to command your subconscious and take in a couple of deep breaths and then take off. Last but not least, astral travel has a very healing effect on your mind and body. Doing so lightens you up with experiences, which are beyond words and are cherish able for a lifetime and beyond.

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About the Author

Sunanda Sharma is a professional tarot card reader, psychic, author and life coach. A published author, she has written two books titled, Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1 and Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II, which are available on and

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