Are you a Vampire, a Martyr or a Saint?

Are you a Vampire, a Martyr or a Saint?
by Michelle Butt
It is a strange question to ask, isn’t it? Are you a Vampire? Martyr? Or Saint? What could this be about? Well, it’s about energy really. How do you spend your energy? In fact, how do you spend anything – money, time, resources? So now that you know what the question really means, you have the answer, right? Of course, you would want to be a Saint. But, how do you know? What determines what kind of spender you are? Innately you do know, and if you look in the mirror, you’ll see it’s written on your face.
Yes, there are specific areas on your face that tell you how you innately relate to the concept of spending. Knowing what those areas are can help you create a more conscious awareness of your spending and help you to understand your actions. Perhaps, even give you a sense of relief, the ability to say no or re-evaluate your position on giving and receiving.
As face readers, when we look to the face for spending habits, ideally we are looking for how you spend and replenish your energy. Our aim is to give you an understanding of your unconscious story and give you the opportunity to recognize where some re-balancing could occur. Spending is spending though, so this knowledge can be extrapolated from just energy to monetary spending habits and even spending in terms of time or any other give and take scenario.
So where do we look? There are two places in particular. Your nostrils tell you how you spend and the bridge of the nose indicates how you receive. Let’s dive in to understand the correlation and balance.
When someone looks at you head on, if you have visible nostrils (in other words, one can see into your nostrils directly) and they are noticeably big, then you will be one who spends freely. You are a giver. You give freely of your time, energy and even material things and usually don’t expect anything in return. It is your joy to give.
In addition to the visible nostrils as noted above, if you have a wide, unwrinkled and unblemished bridge of your nose, then you are taking in or receiving as much, if not more than, you are giving out. You are probably an energy saint. You are a giver who is rewarded by reciprocal receiving, and the ease and detachment with which you give keeps you in balance and joyful.
If you have those big visible nostrils and a narrow bridge of the nose, then you will most likely be one who gives much more than you receive. You could often find yourself depleted energetically and materially because your relationship to giving and receiving is out of balance.
You have the potential to become an energy martyr.
Knowing this can empower you to take better care of yourself and to take time to replenish before you give again. You don’t have to go against your giving nature, but you can recognize that you must create an environment where you are reaping some rewards as well in order to continue to be as giving as you want to joyfully be.
If you are someone who has very narrow nostrils, then you do not spend your resources as freely. You are more guarded with your output and naturally cautious in case there is not enough. You may be one who allows others to do the spending, so you don’t have to. If you couple this feature with a wide bridge of the nose, you may be someone who receives abundance and is miserly with the giving back. You just could be an energy vampire.
This is not to say that you intend to be this way, but your innate sense is one of self-preservation over generosity. Knowing your bridge of your nose ensures your ability to bring in all that you need could actually allow you to loosen up around the feelings of lack and become a more generous person, which could have profound effects on your relationships and your own self-image.
There are so many more combinations to look at, but the message I want to convey here is that we can all be saints if we understand how we are programmed in relation to spending and receiving. Yet, even if we are not saints, understanding who we are and why we are who we are just by looking in the mirror, empowers us to make new conscious choices in how we relate to others and ourselves.
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About the Author
Michelle Butt is a Face Reader, Certified Master Coach and an Ordained Metaphysical Minister. She is also a contributing author to the book, Ready Aim Captivate, featuring Deepak Chopra. Her goal in life is to assist others in truly understanding who they are and to guide them to achieving the joyful, successful lives that they desire.

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