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Awakening Intuition

Awakening Intuition


3 Aspects for Awakening Our Intuition

by Janice Chrysler

Throughout our lives, we are aware of five of our senses. However, when we mention our sixth sense, many people either don’t want to talk about it, state they don’t believe it or attempt to explain it away. There is nothing mysterious about the sixth sense or our intuition. We all have psychic abilities and an inner knowing or intuition, but over the years we have perhaps been taught to disregard it or to think of its use as evil. These thoughts are derived from other people’s lack of understanding and allowing the fear of the unknown to cloud their judgments.


Why awaken the intuition?

You may already realize that once you begin a spiritual journey, there is no turning back. There will always be questions and an inner unquenchable thirst to discover the answers. Do not be discouraged to find out that once you have an answer to a question, another question will begin to form in your mind. Then, you will have the innate need to go in search of more wisdom and understanding. It never ends!

Many people never ask the first question, but rather choose to follow the path of someone else. Some of these beliefs may include:

~ Some individuals live with the mindset that “we have always done things this way, why do it differently?” The problem with this is we would be choosing to live in the past and never advancing.

~ Others may live in fear of the unknown, so choose to believe what others tell them. Many organized religions and cultures have been built on instilling the fear of punishment by not following their rules.

~ Many people have been brought up to believe to question is a sin or evil so are not allowing their own soul to grow and explore this world. Again, this ideal is fear based.

~ Rather than stepping outside of the comfort zone, some individuals will choose to go along with the group even though inside they know it is not the truth for them. Here lies the fear of not being accepted. Often, our own happiness is sacrificed in order to remain in the group.

~ Sometimes, we live in fear of what the answer is. After all, if we have grown up believing certain things, then now feel they are not true for us any more, what will we do? We give in to the fear of the unknown and nothing changes.

Rather than ask the questions, some people will show indifference, scoff at those who search for answers as being foolish, and focus on the tangible and material world, while believing only in things that they can see and have been scientifically proven. In order to feel safe and awaken our intuition, three emerging aspects are significant:


3 Aspects for Awakening Our Intuition

Awaken our Intuition #1 – Our Changing World

The world is changing, and our past notions and ideas will soon no longer serve us. This is not new to humankind as we have gone through many changes throughout our history, but this time there are over 7 billion of us on this planet. Even science and modern medicine is noting there is much more to what affects our planet than the things we can see. They are now doing various studies on the mind, consciousness and the energy that is emitted from our intention. It is very interesting, yet humorous at the same time, to see the studies on meditation and its effects on the body of the one doing the meditation as well as the people around them and the environment as though this was a wonderful breakthrough for mankind! For thousands of years, people have intuitively known the power of prayer and meditation and they have understood that there is a connection between what we think, how we feel and what is manifested in our lives. Pages of research are not necessary before we gave it a try. The real proof is in the experience and observance in how it affects our own lives and those around us. It is not to be feared, but embraced. Indeed, we are in the age of consciousness, and it will be humankind as a whole and our thoughts that will determine how the next age unfolds upon this planet.


Awaken our Intuition #2 – Evoking Positive Change through Meditation

As in all things, we hold within ourselves choices. One positive thought will make a positive change and that will lead to more positive changes. Meditation is the key to linking all these positive changes. Tapping into our own resources and knowledge is part of this plan. Even if someone starts out meditating to release stress, other things will eventually begin to unfold, which may include:

~ Developing a daily meditation practice is key in awakening our intuition.

~ We soon realize that if we meditate daily, our physical and mental bodies are shifted because we are more in touch with how we really feel and the triggers to these feelings.

~ It is in the silence that we connect to our Higher Selves

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~ We begin to unlock the fears that may have been stopping us from moving forward spiritually.

~ Once the fear is lifted, we will have questions come forward. Then, we will seek to find the answers.

~ Trust that the Universe and a Higher Power will begin to guide our search.

~ Confidence is enhanced as we recognize that we are here for a reason, a purpose, and then we yearn to discover what that is.

~ We begin to see and understand the synchronicity in the simplest things in our lives


Awaken our Intuition #3 – Embrace and Believe

Through meditation and awakening our intuition, we will no longer try to keep the Shadow side hidden, but rather call it up, so we can use the fears we hold within to strengthen us. This often will come once we truly love who we are by understanding we are perfect the way we are and have chosen to live this life to learn certain lessons. By believing we have a right to know, we will reclaim our connection to Spirit, the Universe and our true self. In this way, we can embrace our life experience here on Earth to the fullest.

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About the Author

Rev. Janice Chrysler is the founder and Spiritual Growth Facilitator of Mindful Journey. She uses her intuitive gifts in spiritual coaching, readings and Reiki sessions. By facilitating workshops, she helps others to awaken spirituality in all aspects of their lives with light, love and healing. Her book, Make it Happen! Motivation. Meditation. Manifestation, is coming soon.

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