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5 Ways Energy Medicine Can Help You

5 Ways Energy Medicine Can Help You

5 Ways Energy Medicine Can Help You

By Deborah King



You want to feel on top of the world-vibrant, healthy, balanced, strong. But maybe you’ve just received a difficult diagnosis and don’t know how to begin the long road back to health. Or maybe you’ve been doing everything your doctor tells you to do but you still have nagging health issues that won’t go away. Or maybe you feel okay now, but want to be proactive in maintaining and protecting your health.

Energy medicine is a dynamic health care modality that can help you get where you want to go. In energy medicine, energy is the medicine.

Even though most people can’t see or touch it, energy is a force that permeates everything in existence-you, me, the planets, the crocuses pushing up through the snow. Scientists today are just starting to understand the complexity and infinite possibilities of this universal quantum energy.

This universal energy moves through the personal energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates your body. Blocked or stagnant energy in your pathways and energy centers (called chakras) can keep you from accessing the energy that promotes full health and balance.

In certain cultures, someone who practices energy medicine is called a shaman. A shaman is a healer who can expand his or her awareness beyond the limits of the body. A shaman knows how to use universal energy to bring about transformation on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes.

Often, those who have the ability to work with energy in this way are simply called healers. Some do hands-on energy work and some don’t touch you at all, but can harness energy to produce healing.

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Often those who practice energy medicine can “see” or “hear” or “feel” beyond the ordinary scope of the physical senses. Everyone has these innate “gifts,” but a shaman/healer has done the inner work to nurture and develop the so-called “paranormal” abilities. Shamans have learned how to tap into the Source of All, and take a truly holistic approach to healing that involves all aspects of being. How can energy medicine help you?

Energy medicine can:

1.    Clear out old toxic emotions. For example, maybe you’ve blocked your feelings of grief and/or anger over the end of an important relationship-whether through divorce, betrayal, or death-and thus closed off your heart center. Some years later you might develop problems with high blood pressure. There are shamanic techniques to clear out the emotions you’ve buried deep inside that may be affecting your health and happiness.

2.    Keep your chakras humming along in good health. By releasing blockages in your energy centers, or chakras (there are seven main chakras and over 20 minor ones), energy medicine can get the chakras spinning in the right direction, and suggest certain practices and self-help tools that will let you release stress and keep you in balance.

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