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How Feng Shui Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

How Feng Shui Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Gain a Deeper Understanding of How Feng Shui Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

By Ken Lauher



Excerpt from Feng Shui Secrets: What Everyone Should Know About How to Be Successful with Feng Shui.

Feng Shui (pronounced fung schway) is the art and practice of living in harmony with your Environment to produce tangible results naturally. It involves the intuitive, aesthetic adjustment of visible and invisible objects or factors, realigning all dimensions of the environment into a balanced, harmonious state.

Living in harmony with your space does not mean removing the clutter or placing things in their proper or “right” place. It is how you align your inner worlds and desires with your outer environment.

Taoists feel there is a current to how life flows and when we live in harmony with this Way, we experience joy, peace, success and happiness. And when we go against this current, we start to have disruptions in our lives.  This allows you to begin to see and understand the direct relationship between what is happening in the energy of your space and what is going on currently in your life or business.

The connection between your life and your environment, as you begin to explore it, can seem Disconcerting — scary, even. But just remember that Feng Shui is about making your home Comfortable, harmonious, and stable. Then it’s about creating an environment that supports your goals — what you really want to do and accomplish — in your life. In essence, it’s about creating a more positive environment where you can achieve your goals with renewed energy.

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Because really, the energy to take action is one of the keys to success. We can’t shoot for our dreams if we don’t even have the desire or strength to get out of bed in the morning, right?

When you begin to harness the chi (energy) of your living environment so it’s in alignment with Your goals, you’ll discover an amazing power to create the life of your dreams, including health, Wealth and happiness.

But let’s be clear on our definitions of these things before we move on.

When we say we’re creating a healing home in Feng Shui, it means the flow of chi will be pleasant, smooth and full of healthy, life-giving energy. In a good Feng Shui home, the occupants will be vibrant and healthy — as will the plants and animals, and even the landscaping. Occupants will eat foods that contribute to their health, wake feeling well-rested, and go to bed tired enough to fall asleep quickly.  Overall, they will feel good, and they will have the energy and desire to pursue their goals.  Because if you’re not feeling well, whether it’s a temporary condition or chronic fatigue, everything else suffers, too. And good Feng Shui helps you maximize every aspect of your life to live your true purpose. Vibrant health permits us to pursue wealth — which really means pursuing opportunities.

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